Analysis of traffic safety on controlled intersections in Zaliznychnyi district of Lviv city

Students Name: Hultiaiev Mykyta Yevhenovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Traffic Control and Organization
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Hultiaev M. Ye., Afonin M.O. (supervisor). Analysis of traffic safety on controlled intersections in Zaliznychnyi district of Lviv city. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract. Road safety has been and remains a topical issue in Ukraine and around the world. According to statistics, a large number of traffic accidents occur in Ukraine every year - more than 15 thousand. Of these, a large number of traffic accidents involve injuries and deaths [1]. Crossroads are the places with the greatest concentration of traffic accidents, because there the vehicles interact the most. The most common method of determining accidents at intersections is the relative accident rate. It is based on determining the importance of conflict points depending on the intensity of traffic flows that interact with each other [2-3]. There are usually three standard points of conflict: separation, intersection and merger of traffic flows, but different studies indicate different numbers depending on the specifics of the interaction of traffic and pedestrian flows [4-6]. The study of accidents at three signalized intersections in the Zaliznychnyi district of Lviv was carried out. Field studies were conducted to collect the intensity of traffic flows, as well as the existing state of traffic lights at each intersection. The calculation of the relative accident rate at the investigated intersections is performed. At those intersections that are considered very dangerous, a project of traffic organization has been developed with proposed changes that increase traffic safety at intersections. New schedules of traffic light signalization have also been developed in accordance with the changes made to the project of traffic organization at intersections. After that, the relative accident rate at the investigated intersections was recalculated and it was checked whether the measures taken to improve the organization of traffic contribute to improving its level of safety. Study object – signalized intersections in the Zaliznychny district of the city of Lviv. Scope of research – road safety at signalized intersections. Goal of research: analysis of road safety by calculating the coefficients of relative accident and increase its safety by improving traffic at signalized intersections. As a result of the conducted research of the traffic safety at the signalized intersections is investigated and the projects on the organization of road traffic which promote increase of traffic safety are developed. Keywords: traffic flow, field research, traffic intensity, road safety, relative accident rate. References. 1. Patrulna politsiia Ukrainy. (2020.). Rezhym dostupu: 2. Lopukh, O. R., Prydatko, O. V., & Pasnak, I. V. (2015). Udoskonalennia metodiv doslidzhennia bezpeky dorozhnoho rukhu (na prykladi mista Lvova). Naukovyi visnyk NLTU Ukrainy, 25(5), 210-216. 3. Molnar, D.R, Renkas, A.A. (2020). Doslidzhennia avariinosti na perekhrestiakh mista Lvova z zhorstkym svitlofornym rehuliuvanniam. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats XV Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii molodykh vchenykh, kursantiv ta studentiv «Problemy ta perpektyvy rozvytku systemy bezpeky zhyttiediialnosti», 460–461. 4. Polishchuk, V. P. (2011). Orhanizatsiia ta rehuliuvannia dorozhnoho rukhu: pidruchnyk/za zah. red. VP Polishchuka; OO Bakulich, OP Dziuba, VI Yeresov ta in. K.: Znannia Ukrainy. 5. Ieresov, V., & Riabets, Ya. (2006). Udoskonalennia metodyky otsinky potentsiinoi bezpeky dorozhnoho rukhu. Pravova informatyka, (2), 84-89. 6. Riabets, Ya.V. Kompleksna otsinka potentsiinoi nebezpeky rukhu na perekhrestiakh (Doctoral dissertation, «Transportni systemy»/IaV Riabets.–Kyiv, 2009.–20 s).