Analysis of land lease for artesian well maintenance

Students Name: Yurkuts Nadiia Mykolaivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Land Management and Cadastre
Institute: Institute of Geodesy
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Yurkuts N.M., SaiV.M. (leader). Analys is of land lease for artesian well maintenance. Master’s Qualification Research Paper Lviv Polytechnic National University Lviv, 2020. Extended annotation Forecast groundwater and exploration of forecast groundwater resources are analyzed. The dynamics of forecast resources of drinking groundwater production by regions are given. The analysis of groundwater use by administrative units is performed. Groundwater resources of the Lviv region have been studied. The analysis of water legislation of foreign countries is carried out. Problems of legal regulation of groundwater use in Ukraine are considered. The procedure for developing a land management project is given. The whole complex of works on preparation of technical documentation on land management concerning drawing up of the documents certifying the right of rent for the land plot has resulted. The method of cadastral survey is given; the devices that were used to perform work on the site are indicated. The geodetic network has been balanced using software packages. As a result, a catalog of coordinates of the outer boundary of the land plot was obtained. The value of the land plot and the rent have been determined. A Research object is the territory of the land plot for servicing the artesian well. A Research objective is the analysis of groundwater and the development of a set of geodetic and land management works in the preparation of a land management project for a land plot. A Research objective is to develop a land management project for the allocation of land to the Limited Liability Company "Barkom" for rent to service the artesian well in the village of Pidbirtsi, Pustomyty district, Lviv region. The main research method sare methods of statistical and cartographiс research. These include observations, comparisons, descriptions, measurements, drawings. Research results. Securely protected from pollution, groundwater is a strate gicresource, because in some emergencies they become the only reliables our ceofdrinking water supply to the population, therefore, provide one of the main living conditions of people [1]. For these reasons, a significant increase in thes hare of groundwater in the water supply of the populationis a strategict ask that should beaddressed at the statelevel [5]. Groundwater is also associated with important environment a land economic problems [2]. These include flood in goflands, cities and facilities, land reclamation, main taining the optimal groundwater regime in miningregions, in rehabilitation processes in contaminated areas, and soon. To successfully solve these problems, it is necessary to study them apof groundwater, the laws of their quantitative and qualitative formation, their resource assessment, the effect sofman-made and natural factors on their changes. This topic is relevant due to the fact that due to the weak protection of waterbodies there is a progressive trend of ground water depletion; it is necessary to stabilize the current hydro-ecologicals it uationinset tlement sand significantly improve it in the near future. To solve these problems, ground water should be monitored [3]. The analysis of the main features of the state of underground resources is considered and made. Forecast groundwater by regions of Ukraine is analyzed. Exploration of forecast groundwater resources has been determined. The forecast resources of the main groundwater aquifers of the oblastsused for water supply purposes are considered and analyzed. The dynamics of forecast resources of drinking groundwater production by regionsis given. The analysis of groundwater use by administrative unitsis performed. The undergroundwaterres ources of Lviv have been studied. The analysis of water use for different needs is performed. Based on the updated statistical data on the number of available population in the regionas of April 1, 2019, the specific indicators of water supply percapita have been clarified. The issue of legal regulation of land and water relations today is very important [6]. The analysis of the legislation of foreign countries in the field of water legislation is carried out. The general characteristic of regulation of use and extraction of undergroundwaters by land owners and land users on the basis of legislations of the different states is resulted. The is sue of peculiarities of legalregulation of groundwater use in Ukraine is considered. The ratio of legal regimes for the use of water, land resources, and subsoiling the extraction of groundwater through waterwells is revealed. The identified problems of legal regulation and practice of the application of legislation in this area arepresented and analyzed. The characteristic of the land plot, which is all ocated for rent, is executed. The procedure for granting a special permit for a well for water use is given. The contents of the good passport are given. Keywords: groundwater, water resources, waterbody, landplot, cadastral works. References: 1. Khvesyk M.A. Vodne hospodarstvo Ukrainy: systemni superechnosti, strukturni dysproportsii ta kolizii rehuliuvannia // Ekonomika pryrodokorystuvannia ta okhorony dovkillia: Zb. nauk. prats / Red. koleh.: B.M. Danylyshyn ta in. NANU RVPS Ukrainy. – K., 2006. – S. 7. 2. Vodne hospodarstvo v Ukraini / A.V. Yatsyk (red.), V.M. Khoriev (red.). – K. : Geneza, 2000. – 456 s. 3. Vodni resursy: vykorystannia, okhorona, vidtvorennia, upravlinnia / [A. V. Yatsyk, Yu. M. Hryshchenko, L. A. Volkova, I. A. Pasheniuk]. – K. : Geneza, 2007. – 360 s. 4. Prybylova V.M. Pidzemni vodni resursy Kharkivskoi oblasti ta stratehiia yikh vykorystannia dlia vodopostachannia naselennia. Seriia «Heolohiia. Heohrafiia. Ekolohiia.», vypusk 42, 2019 r. 5. Riabets K.A. 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