Analysis of the use of ground-based laser scanning materials for the design of construction, reconstruction (restoration) of industrial and civil structures

Students Name: Havryliv Mykola Iivanovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Geodesy
Institute: Institute of Geodesy
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Extended abstract. This paper describes the main tasks of engineering geodesy and modern requirements for geodetic support [2] in building and construction industry, general theoretical principles of ground-based laser scanning to obtain spatial models of individual areas, complex engineering buildings (structures), elements of roads, etc. The paper contains a description and general characteristics of modern ground-based laser scanners of geodetic accuracy of measuring angles and lengths of lines [1,3,4,5], as well as software for the operation of these devices (scanners) and processing of observation materials. The paper presents the real results of observations (measurements) on the objects of construction and reconstruction of complex engineering buildings, which testify to the advantages of using ground laser scanning in the design, construction, reconstruction (restoration) of industrial and civil structures. The object of the research – a coordinated cloud of points of the Northern Ore Mining and Processing Industrial Complex in Kryvyi Rih. The subject of the research – the use of ground-based laser scanning in design, construction, reconstruction (restoration) of industrial and civil structures. The purpose of the research: Analysis of the use of materials of ground-based laser scanning in the design, construction, reconstruction (restoration) of industrial and civil structures, based on the development of a coordinated cloud of points of the Northern Ore Mining and Processing Industrial Complex in Kryvyi Rih. 8. Laser scanning, today, is the most automated, high-speed, productive and safe technology for collecting spatial information about the area (objects) to build their flat and spatial models. 9. By means of ground laser scanning, the solution of all, except those, which regard marking works, issues of engineering and geodetic researches for construction in compliance with reliability and accuracy, established by DBN: «Geodetic works in construction», is available.10.The general tendency to combine in one device the tacheometer and the scanner, in the near future, will lead to the full decision of a problem of engineering geodesy - marking works by means of laser scanning. 11.Comparisons of the functionality of PSPZ confirm the modernity, high productivity and competitiveness of software packages of all listed in the work, manufacturers of GLS. The GLS user should choose this or that product according to the solvency, preferences, a rating in the market and prospects of the further development. 12. The undeniable advantages of using of materials of ground-based laser scanning in engineering and geodetic researches for construction are the comprehensiveness and excessive informativeness of the HCT of the object of measurement, the relevance of this information over time. HCT displays all elements (details) of the area that fell into the scan area. Such excessiveness of information about the area (elements of the area), among other things, is relevant and available for additional research of the object for a long time. 13.Ground laser scanning provides measurement of geometrical parameters of buildings and constructions (separate constructions of buildings) for the purpose of formation of their dimensional projects and/or spatial models with display of the real sizes, forms and colors. 14.For the use of full potential of GLS in topographic and geodetic indusrty it is necessary to accelerate the implementation of the National Standard of Ukraine with the classifier of means of laser location, a list of procedures and rules for their operation. Keywords: A general cloud of coordinated points (general HCT); Pulse method of measuring line length (ІМ); Ground-based laser scanner (GLS); Triangulation method of measuring line length (ТМ); Phase method of measuring line length (ФМ); Cloud of coordinated points (HCT); Reference list. 6. Babushka A.I. Airborne laser scanning.: навч. pos. for students. / Babushka A.I., Burshtynska K. V. - Lviv: RVV NULP. 2019. - 116 p.7. Kostetska Y.M. Geodetic instruments. Part II. Electronic geodetic instruments: ed. for students. / - Lviv: IZMN, 2000. - 324 p. 8. Malitsky A. Analysis of terrestrial laser 3D-scanners and their scope // Malitsky A., Lozynskyi V. - Modern achievements of geodetic science and production: 2014 issue 1 (27) - Lviv: RVV NULP. 2014. - p. 21-25. 9. Sydorenko V.D. Methods of surveying linear structures by ground-based laser scanning for further monitoring / Naminat O.S., Sydorenko V.D. – «Metallurgical and mining industry»: 2014 №6: Mining - Kryvyi Rih: RVV KNTU . 2014. - p. 83-88. 10.Trevogo I.S. Analysis of technological capabilities of modern ground-based laser scanners // Trevogo I.S., Balanyuk A.I., Grigorash A.V. - Modern achievements of geodetic science and production: 2010 issue 1 (19) - Lviv: «Ligapress». 2010. - p. 170-176.