Administrative and legal principles of information security in Ukraine

Students Name: Semenchuk Ivan Vasylovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Law
Institute: Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Semenchuk IV, Lukyanova G. Yu. (Supervisor). Administrative and legal principles of information security (master’s thesis topic). Master’s qualification work. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. The creation of a modern information society as an objective stage of human development after the industrial age, the globalization of information processes, a significant increase in the role of information infrastructure in various spheres of public life accompany and ensure the development of modern civilization. The current stage of development of information technology is characterized by the possibility of mass information influence on the individual and public consciousness up to large-scale information wars, resulting in the inevitable counterbalance to the principle of freedom of information is the principle of information security. The scientific and theoretical basis of the work are modern theoretical and methodological developments of leading Ukrainian scientists - M. Baimuratov, O. Bykov, Y. Voloshin, O. Grinenko, V. Denisov, A. Dmitriev, V. Zhuravsky, O. Klimenko, O. Kopylenko , V. Kuzmenko, I. Kuyan, T. Motrenko, R. Minchenko, R. Petrov, H. Prikhodko, I. Slidenko, R. Stefanchuk, A. Yanchuk and others. Among domestic researches of normative-legal problems of cybersecurity the works of M.Ozhevan, O.Dzioban, V.Pilipchuk, V.Petrov deserve special attention. The object of the study is public relations in the field of administrative and legal support of information security in Ukraine. The subject of research - administrative and legal support of information security in Ukraine. The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the study is to clarify and analyze the conceptual and organizational and legal foundations of administrative and legal support of information security in Ukraine, to develop on this basis proposals and recommendations that will improve the effectiveness of information security. This goal led to the following objectives of the study: 1. consider information security as an object of legal protection; 2. describe the regulatory and legal support of information security in Ukraine; 3. to study the system of subjects of information security; 4. determine the features of the administrative and legal mechanism for information security; 5. to establish perspective directions of improvement of mechanisms of administrative and legal maintenance of information security in Ukraine; 6. consider foreign experience in ensuring information security; 7. identify threats to national interests in the information sphere. The first section of the master’s thesis outlined the theoretical and methodological foundations of information security, the legal framework and the history of terminology that will be used. The concept of information security, as well as, in general, information relations, is quite vague today. The lack of agreed definitions, the close connection between regulations in the information sphere and the inconsistency of the preparation and adoption of new ones, unfortunately, indicates a decrease in the legislative influence on the relevant legal relations. At the same time, it should be noted that the legal policy of Ukraine, which should form the security sector in all spheres of human life, society and the state, depends primarily on such definitions. The second section analyzed the general structure of the subjects of the administrative and legal apparatus, considered the principles, purpose and powers of the people who implement this activity. The scale of activities in the direction of information security necessitates the definition of goals and their representation in the form of a tree of goals. The choice of this form of representation is explained, first of all, by branching of the purposes at simultaneous commonality of a key component. In addition, it is envisaged that goals can be forward-looking and strategic, and can meet today’s challenges and be formulated as tactical. From the standpoint of the hierarchy, it is appropriate to make the distribution at the levels of the individual, society, state. The third section analyzed in detail the ways of development and improvement of national state security, possible threats and ways to solve problems that have already arisen in the world. Intensive informatization of all spheres of society is today one of the determining global factors of further socio-economic, intellectual and spiritual development of mankind. At the same time, the world community is entering a new stage in its history, which has every reason to characterize it as an era of information wars. Keywords: information security, security actors, information war, information, national security. References 1. Legal encyclopedia: in 6 volumes / editor .: Yu. S. Shemshuchenko (chairman) and others. URL: 2. The Constitution of Ukraine. URL: 254% D0% BA / 96-% D0% B2% D1% 80. 3. On the principles of domestic and foreign policy: Law of Ukraine of 01.07.2010 No 2411-VI. URL: