An adaptive location-based service of mobile cyber physical system

Students Name: Blazhko Maksym Vitaliiovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Geocontext services of mobile cyberphysical systems [1] are an important branch in the development of science, as they can be used to track the performance of the object and its location at any time just by opening the application on your smartphone. We can track indicators from the alarm in our garage to the water temperature on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, this area is one of the most promising for study and improvement. The object of research is the location of the CFS node. The subject of research - geocontext service. The goal is to develop an adaptive geocontext service Important aspects of data processing and presentation of geolocation [2] service based on Android OS were considered. In particular, the concept of geolocation, how it can be determined, its importance for today’s science. Also made an overview of the Android operating system and its structure. One of the most important parts of this section is the information about the SPM (Location-Based Service) and the options for obtaining the required data [3]. The choice of the chosen direction of designing was substantiated. Types of adaptive systems and services were also considered [5]. Examples of solutions in the field of programming on the Android platform are given. The algorithm of geocontext service and adaptive dissertation module was described [4]. Methods of adaptive sampling were given. a software product on the topic of work was implemented. The method of service development and software components used in it were described. A software product on the theme of the work was implemented. The method of service development and software components used in it were described. the program was tested for errors and its operation was debugged. Equally important was the testing of the program for energy consumption and memory usage of the smartphone, for which the tools used in the development environment were used. 8 Adaptability to speed is confirmed. Minor inaccuracies from the sample could arise due to the simplicity of the algorithm that gives the error. There is also a response to changes in the parameters of the mobile node within 10 mls (it was provided by optimizing the speed of the software implementation of the adaptation module). The cost of developing a design solution was calculated. A comparison with the existing analogue is made, and this shows that this design solution has advantages over analogues, in particular: reliability, ease of use, flexibility, convenience. According to the economic feasibility study, this design solution is competitive. In addition, a positive economic effect of UAH 63611.79 was obtained. and therefore the development and implementation of this design solution is economically feasible. Keywords - geocontext, adaptive sampling, cyber-physical system, Android, LBS. List of used literature sources: 1. Cyberphysical systems: multilevel organization and design / A.A. Melnik, V.A. Melnik, V.S. Glukhov, A.M. Salo, ed. A.O. Melnik. - Lviv: “Magnolia 2006”, 2019. - 237 p. 2. Cyberphysical systems: data collection technologies / O.Yu. Бочкарьов, В.А. Golembo, J.S. Paramud, V.O. Yatsuk. For order. A.O. Melnyk, Lviv: “Magnolia 2006”, 2019. - 176 p. 3. Bochkarev O.Yu., Golembo V.A. The use of intelligent data collection technologies in autonomous cyber-physical systems // Bulletin of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" "Computer Systems and Networks", №830, 2015. - P.-7-11. 4. Blazhko M.V. Geocontext service of mobile cyberphysical system based on Android platform [Electronic resource] // Current state and prospects of development of computer systems and networks: materials of the annual seminar of masters of the Department of Electronic Computers, Lviv, October 7-9, 2020 r. - 2020. [n.k. - Bochkarev O.Yu.] 5. Temnikov F.E., Afonin V.A., Dmitriev V.I., Theoretical foundations of information technology. - М .: Энергия, 1979. - 512 p. - P.87-92