Architecture of Psychological Adaptation Centers

Students Name: Vaksman Mykhailyna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Institute: Institute of Architecture and Design
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Thesis topic "Architecture of centers of psychological adaptation." The purpose of this thesis is to create a concept and architectural planning solution for the centers of psychological adaptation. Tasks: To analyze the experience in designing psychological art therapy centers, to explore the types of art therapy and their impact on the formation of architectural solutions, to identify features of the architecture of psychological art therapy centers, to form architectural and planning solutions of the designed center, to conduct surveys, to develop a conceptual project art therapy. The first section examines the relevance of the topic by collecting statistics on Ukrainians suffering from depression, as well as a comparative description of physical rehabilitation and psychological centers. Also in the first section the basic types of psychological influences on an internal condition of the person (influence of art, the nature, psychology, architecture) and concrete kinds of art therapy are collected. However, an analysis of existing architectural solutions of art centers, art schools, psychological support centers and housing was conducted. The second section describes our own statistical survey, which helps to confirm the need for this structure, determine the desired location of the projected object, its number of floors and a list of premises. The third section describes the pre-project studies, namely the analysis of the existing architectural and landscape situation and urban ecological analysis. The fourth section describes the architectural solutions. The project part consists of drawings of the main two-storey building of the art center, and additional detached houses of three types (a total of 18 houses on the site), as well as landscaping, which is divided into 6 main areas (entrance / entrance, walking, training , economic, residential and active recreation area).