Administrative and legal support of information security in Ukraine

Students Name: Tyman Marta Mykhailivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Law
Institute: Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Tyman M.M., Khomyshyn I.Y. (head). Administrative and legal support of information security in Ukraine. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended annotation. Today, we use a variety of electronic data processing tools in all areas of our lives, learning and working online with the latest communication technologies. It is our need for innovative technologies that gives rise to the search for new methods of information protection focused on electronic media, against this background and there is a need to understand such a legal category as information security [1, p. 5]. Information security is an important component of every state and one of the most important needs of society as a whole. This form of security is in fact an integral part of national security, but in its structure and structure forms a complex system that provides a sustainable standard of living for the whole nation [2, p.144]. The term "information security" should be understood as protection against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, violation, modification or destruction [3, p. 373]. Information security is about protecting the interests of those who depend on information and the communication system that delivers information. Information security - protection of information from a wide range of threats [4, p. 74]. In Ukraine, the administrative and legal regulation of information security is regulated by a number of regulations, grouped by different criteria. According to A. Wojciechowski, information security of Ukraine as a component of national security is a system of preventive public authorities to provide information security guarantees to individuals, social groups or society in general, and aims to achieve statehood and social progress level of spiritual and intellectual potential of the country [5, p. 17]. Today in Ukraine there are many entities whose competence includes information security. They all differ depending on the level of protection of socially necessary objects, the characteristics of their competence, the attitude to the branches of government and public authorities. The level of information security is low, so it is unable to protect the legitimate interests of society, to protect information from its illegal distribution, use or storage. Information security is a complex and multifunctional phenomenon, so the threats that arise in the field of information space are spreading and causing significant damage to all spheres of life. The object of research – is public relations in the field of administrative and legal support of information security of Ukraine. The subject of the study– is information security as a type of national security. The purpose of the work is to study the legal framework of administrative and legal regulation of information security, the subjective and objective composition of information security, to identify threats that cause harm and to identify ways to eliminate them. Research results. Information security is a multifaceted administrative and legal category. Ensuring information security is a complex and lengthy process that requires detailed study, research and due consideration in conducting such protection of information from a number of negative influences on the use, disclosure, destruction, violation or dissemination of information. This process requires constant study, evaluation and monitoring. Today in the field of information security of Ukraine there are a number of significant threats and challenges that cause significant damage to the interests, rights and freedoms of man and citizen, society and the state as a whole. In this regard, the state should focus its activities on identifying such threats and ensure their elimination. The state policy of Ukraine in the field of information security, as a component of national security, should be aimed at improving the legal framework on the issue of administrative and legal support of information security of Ukraine. It is necessary to make adjustments to existing legal acts and bring them in line with international standards, take into account all gaps in the legislation and systematize into one general legal act - the Information Code of Ukraine. We believe that it is necessary today to increase the information literacy of the population in order to prevent offenses in this area. Work structure. In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the study, the work consists of an introduction, three sections, eight sections, conclusions, a list of sources used (126 items). The total volume of the work is 83 pages. Keywords: information, right of access to public information, national security, information security, subjects of information security, threats in the field of information relations. References: 1. Shingla R. Information security. International Research Journal of Management Science & Technology. 2014. V. 5. I. 10. P. 4-11 2. Antonyuk VV Basic scientific and methodological approaches to the study of state information security policy. Investments: practice and experience. 2013. № 20. pp. 143-147 3. Eswaran R., Vinayagamoorthi G., Cyber ??Security and Information Security. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). October 2019. V. 8. I. 3S. P. 372-374 4. Nick Nordiana Binti N Ab Rahman Information Security: Human Resources Management and Information Security Incident Managemen. The Second International Conference on Information Technology and Business Application. Palembang, Indonesia, 22-23 February 2013. P. 74-79 5. Boyko A. 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