Administrative and legal support for the realization of the right of citizens to education

Students Name: Katerchak Orysia Yaroslavivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Law
Institute: Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Katerchak O.Y., Skachylias-Pavliv О.V. Administrative and legal enforcement to the realization of the right of citizens to education. Master’s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. The successful transition of the national economy to an innovative path of development strongly depends on the readiness of the education system for technological progress, which is determined by the nature and stability of its relationship with the sphere of practice [1]. Education is the basis for the development of the individual, society, nation and state, the key to the future of Ukraine. It is a determining factor in the political, cultural, socio-economic and scientific life of society. Education reproduces and increases the intellectual, spiritual and economic potential of the society [2]. Education should be fully aimed at the development of the human personality and increasing respect for human rights and freedoms [3]. Education must be entirely aimed at the development of the human person and at increasing respect for human rights and freedoms. Education should promote mutual understanding, patience and friendship among all peoples, racial and religious groups and should be commensurate with the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace [4]. The implementation of the state policy in solving the problems of citizens with special needs involves the implementation of active measures to improve their lives, to unite the efforts of the state, employers, non-governmental, religious organizations, commercial service providers, etc. [5]. State regulation of national education is a complex process due to the complexity and ambiguity of its object. It consists of interconnected specific goals, objectives, methods and mechanisms, which constitute the institution of state regulation of education, which is fully compatible with the freedom of action [6]. Education policy is a component of public policy and is part of domestic policy, acts as a tool to ensure fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, increase the pace of socio-economic, scientific and technological development and humanization of society, increase education and culture [7]. The successful transition of the national economy to innovative development is largely influenced by the readiness of the education system for technological progress, which is determined by the nature and stability of its relationship with the field of practice. The purpose of the state policy on the development of education is to create conditions for the development of personality and creative self-realization of every citizen of Ukraine, educating a generation of people capable of effective work and lifelong learning, preserve and enhance national culture and civil society, develop and strengthen sovereign, independent, democratic , social and legal state as an integral part of the European and world community [8]. In order to achieve certain goals in the education system, the relevant directions of state educational policy are formulated. These ones are defined as the characteristics of the state and certain features of the education system, which are considered as the results of political activity [9]. Study object – social relations arising in the process of exercising the right of citizens to education. Scope of research – administrative and legal enforcement to the realization of the right of citizens to education. Goal of research – to determine and theoretically substantiate the specifics of state regulation in the field of education, to investigate the main factors influencing the quality of education in Ukraine, to analyze and generalize theoretical and practical problems in this field. According to the results of the study, it is determined that education is an integral part of building an economically developed, legal state. In order to fully realize the right of citizens to education, it is necessary to bring the education system in line, to improve the conditions for financing educational institutions, and their material and technical support. Key words: education, state regulation, inclusion, internally displaced persons, administrative and legal support. References. Karpyuk, O.A. (2011). Organizational and economic principles of formation and development of the market of educational services (regional aspect): dissertation abstract. for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. 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