Study of the thermal engine condition on microclimate of the bus cabin

Students Name: Pistso Yana Vasylivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Wheeled and Track-type Vehicles
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Pistso Y., Horbai О. (head). Study of the thermal engine condition on microclimate of the bus cabin. Master’s qualification work. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. Today, the issue of the thermal condition of the cabins of vehicles, in particular buses, trolleybuses, electric buses, trams, etc., is very relevant, because they carry out regular passenger transportation. Microclimate parameters (temperature, humidity, air speed) ensure comfortable conditions in the cabin during passenger transportation. Today, there are many different methods for calculating certain parameters of the microclimate. In this work, an analysis of comfort parameters of microclimatic components was carried out. Also given are examples of options for placing the power unit in buses. In total, in mass production there are two engine placement options for front-, middle-, and rear-engine layouts of buses. Today, there are many different methods for calculating heating, ventilation and air conditioning. In this work, the classical calculation was considered through the formulation of the heat balance equation taking into account the intensity of solar radiation, as well as the determination of the productivity of the thermodynamic system through the exergetic efficiency. The analyzed calculation methods can be applied not only for calculating the microclimate in bus cabins, but also for other means of transport, and not only, but also for any premises intended for people’s stay. With the help of computer simulation, the air circulation in the cabin of buses with different layouts in relation to the placement of the engine was modeled (at the front, two placement options in the middle and two at the back), and temperature maps were constructed on different planes for the analysis of temperature fields on the given planes. Relevance of research. Providing comfortable transportation conditions for passengers and the driver.