Study of the impact of dedicated public transport lanes on the speed characteristics of the traffic flow

Students Name: Kokhan Marharyta Oleksandrivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Cargo and Transport Management
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Public passenger transport for general use is an important component of the unified transport system of our country. Today, public transport is the main mode of transportation in the city of Lviv, which is used by more than fifty-two percent of residents on a daily basis. [1] The presence of separate extreme right lanes of public transport helps to comply with the schedule of buses (trolley buses), reduces vehicle emissions into the environment, ensures the safety of drivers and passengers on the road, as evidenced by expert assessments and independent scientific publications [2,3,4]. Separation of public transport lanes from the general flow of traffic, especially on road sections where congestion occurs frequently or regularly, can be an effective means of avoiding the loss of public transport time. In addition, the dedicated lanes for public transport are aimed at: – to increase the potential of public transport: the ability to transport more passengers; - ensuring punctuality and regularity; – minimization of external obstacles in the work, especially from the side of automobile traffic; – reducing the duration of public transport; – reduction of operating costs by public transport companies; – increasing road safety [5]. Stryyska Street and St. John Paul II Avenue are located in the Frankivskyi and Sykhivskyi districts of Lviv. In order to collect data on the speed characteristics of traffic flows of the studied streets, camera studies and field surveys of street races were conducted. With the help of camera studies, data was collected on the speed of vehicles passing sections of a certain length. Field surveys obtained data on the quantitative composition of flows by types of transport. Based on the results of the research, the following tasks were completed: 1) the following speed parameters were calculated for both sections, such as intensity and average speed of movement, for which periodic and hourly values were set; 2) a comparative table of the recorded minimum, average and maximum speeds for both sections was built to visually demonstrate the impact of the presence of a traffic lane for the GT on the average speed of the general flow and, in particular, of public transport. 3) diagrams of percentage compositions of transport flows by types of transport are demonstrated; 4) the planned and actual intensity of public transport on the routes of the studied streets is calculated; 5) a regression analysis was carried out to evaluate the obtained results, a conclusion was made about the expediency and accuracy of the conducted research. 6) a conclusion is made about the influence of the presence of a public transport lane on the speed characteristics of the traffic flow. Keywords: speed characteristics, traffic flow, average speed, intensity, regression analysis. References. 1. Ryabets Yu.S. Regional policy: Compendium: Part one - K.: KNUBA, 2019.- P. 325 - 330. 2. (Electronic source). 3. Vakulenko K.E., Lezhneva O.I., Sokolova N.A. Expediency of using a dedicated traffic lane for city bus routes: Scientific publication – Kh.: UDC 656.13, 2019. – pp. 74 – 78. 4. Vykovych I.A., Zubachyk R.M. Development of the main criteria for the introduction of special lanes on street crossings for public transport/ - Lviv, 2011. – P. 28 – 34. 5. Bura R.R. On the justification of the expediency of allocating lanes for public transport: training. manual / - Lviv: NULP, 2019. – P. 122 – 123