Study of the influence of public transport route parameters on the traffic operating speed

Students Name: Mokhniak Andrii Rostyslavovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Cargo and Transport Management
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The quality of service provided by public transport is essential for increasing its competitiveness compared to other types of public transport, in particular, with own transport [1]. One of the determining criteria, which is taken into account by users when choosing a mode of transport, is the duration of movement. For public transport, this factor is especially important, as it is difficult for it to compete with a private car in terms of comfort. Analyzing the factors that affect operational speed and finding ways to improve speed efficiency will contribute to reducing the overall duration of passenger travel. Three routes of the city of Lviv were chosen for the study: two radial (No. 1A and 3A) and one diametrical (No. 9). In order to collect information about the actual parameters of the vehicles on the studied routes, during August - October 2022, camera studies were conducted on the Internet resource EasyWay. Based on the results of the research, the following task was completed: 1) the research of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the influence of factors on the speed of movement by public transport was analyzed; 2) operating speeds were calculated based on the results of camera studies; 3) to evaluate the obtained sample of values, the statistical characteristics of the data were calculated separately for each of the considered routes and histograms of the distribution of operational speed values were constructed; 4) calculated statistical characteristics of the choice of the duration of trips to the landfill (average waiting time for boarding on an electric train – 17 minutes, on a non-urban bus route – 15 minutes, on an urban bus route – 8 minutes); 5) we propose the implementation of a combined traffic regime on highway No. 3A. It was determined that with 7-minute driving intervals, the implementation of this mode allows to reduce the duration of the flight and increase the operational speed by 2 km/h. The lowest daily average operational speeds among the studied routes are observed on route No. 3A (15 km/h), the highest on route No. 1A (17.7 km/h), the lowest observed speed is 10.56 km/h (route No. 3A), the largest – 22.26 km/h (route No. 1A). An assessment of the impact on the operating speed of the frequency of public transport stops on the route, the frequency of intersections along the route and the area through which the route passes (central part of the city, mid-city, periphery, non-urban area) was also evaluated. The available volume of input data allows for general trends in the influence of these factors Keywords: public transport, operating speed, combined traffic mode, statistical analysis. References. 1. Davidich Yu.O. Rozrobka rozkladu rukhu transportnykh zasobiv pry orhanizatsii pasazhyrskykh perevezen / Yu.O. Davidich. – Khark. nats. akad. misk. hosp-va. – Kh. : KhNAMH, 2010. – 345 s. 2. Chuiko, S. P. Vyznachennia skladnosti avtobusnoho marshrutu za umovamy ekspluatatsii. Visnyk ZhDTU. Seriia "Tekhnichni nauky", № 2 (82). 2018. S. 160-165. 3. Lubianyi, P. V. Imovirnist vyboru pasazhyrom variantu poizdky v miskomu pasazhyrskomu transporti. Nauchno-tekhnycheskyi sbornyk. Kommunalnoe khoziaistvo horodov, 2006. S. 171-175. 4. Ponkratov, D. P., Faletska, H. I. Otsinka znachushchosti kryteriiv vyboru pasazhyramy shliakhu peresuvannia u mistakh. Naukovi notatky, № 46. 2014. S. 452-459. Lytvyn, V.V. Rozrobka metodyky vyznachennia konkurentospromozhnosti posluh pasazhyrskykh pereviznykiv. Ekonomichnyi prostir, № 132. 2018. S. 72-82.