Research on the traffic conditions at unsignalized intersections with limited speed of traffic flows

Students Name: Varvarchuk Roman Volodymyrovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Traffic Control and Organization
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Road conditions, which are not stable, significantly affect the traffic flow parameters. With an unfavorable combination of road elements, as well as with the presence of road elements that lead to a decrease in speed, there is a change in the flow regime [1]. The most important factors that affect the speed of the traffic flow are sections of rises, curves of a small radius in the plan of the intersection, populated areas, areas with low quality roadway coverage, places of forced speed limit [2]. The presence of areas causing a sharp decrease in the flow rate causes delays. Traffic delays occur when the intensity of the arrival of cars on a certain section of the road exceeds the carrying capacity of this section [3]. Transport delays are a problem in almost all large and largest cities. The formation of transport delays causes loss of time for passengers and drivers, significantly increases the time of cargo delivery [4]. Car exhaust gases cause significant damage to the city’s ecology. It follows from this that one of the most important tasks of traffic management is the minimization of vehicle delays [5]. Study object – processes of traffic and pedestrian flows in front of unregulated pedestrian crossings. Scope of research – dependencies that characterize the study of traffic conditions at unregulated intersections with limited speed of traffic flows. Goal of research: – to analyze the study of traffic conditions at unregulated intersections with limited speed of traffic flows; – to develop a methodology for researching the speed of traffic flow in front of unregulated pedestrian crossings; - to carry out field studies of traffic flow indicators; – investigate traffic conditions at unregulated intersections with limited speed of traffic flows; – experimental study of sight distance triangles at unregulated intersections with limited speed of traffic flow; – to determine vehicle delays at unregulated intersections with limited speed of traffic flows. It has been investigated that the traffic flow reduces the speed to the specified value (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 km/h) on average 100 m before the flow speed limit section. After passing the speed limit section (20 m), the flow begins to accelerate to the initial values. The lowest flow speed is observed at a speed limit of 15 km/h and is 19.21 km/h. At the maximum speed limit of 40 km/h, the flow practically does not change the trend of the speed of movement and acquires the smallest value - 40.63 km/h. According to the results of the study, it was established that with the increase in the limitation of the maximum allowed flow rate, the average value of the delay decreases. Thus, with a flow speed limit of 40 km/h, the average delay is 12,96 s. With a flow speed limit of 15 km/h, the average delay value is 22,31 s. The trend of decreasing flow delay can be explained by the fact that the traffic flow in the city moves at an average speed that is close to the maximum flow speed (40 km/h). The smallest value of the average and maximum length of the queue of vehicles is observed at the speed limit for the traffic flow at 30 km/h. As the introduction of the maximum permitted speed limit increases, the delay of cars increases. Under existing traffic conditions, the average length of the queue of vehicles in front of the street intersection. St. Ivana Franka – Snopkivska is 27,40 m; before the intersection of St. Ivana Franka – Zelena is 35,92 m and before the intersection of St. Ivana Franka – Ulasa Samchuka is 28,42 m. It has been established that a speed limit of 30 km/h should be introduced for the studied intersections on the secondary road. This speed mode will increase traffic safety and minimize vehicle delays. Keywords: unregulated intersection, flow rate, traffic delay, simulation simulation, queue length. References. 1. Polishchuk, V. P., Bakulich, O. O., Dziuba, O. P., & Yeresov, V. I. (2012). Orhanizatsiia ta rehuliuvannia dorozhnoho rukhu. K.: Znannia Ukrainy. 2. Lobashov, O. O. (2010). Modeliuvannia vplyvu merezhi parkuvannia na transportni potoky v mistakh: monohrafiia. 3. Zhyvohliadov, V. H. (2012). Teoryia dvyzhenyia transportnыkh y peshekhodnыkh potokov. Rostov na Donu: Yzd-vo zhurn. «Yzv. Vuzov Sev.-Kavk. rehyon». 4. Hrytsun, O. M. (2019). Obgruntuvannia ratsionalnykh rezhymiv svitlofornoho rehuliuvannia z urakhuvanniam kharakterystyk transportnykh potokiv i povedinky pishokhodiv (Doctoral dissertation, stupenia kand. tekhn. nauk: spets. 05.22. 01 «Transportni systemy»/Hrytsun Oleh Mykhailovych–Lviv, 2019.–22 p). 5. Trushevskyi, V. E., & Hrytsai, S. V. (2014). Osoblyvosti korektsii elementiv tsyklu svitlofornoho rehuliuvannia z metoiu harantuvannia bezpeky rukhu pishokhodiv. Avtoshliakhovyk Ukrainy, (5), 20-22.