Distribution management of products and services of a restaurant-type enterprise (on the example of Kumpel Kraft LLC)

Students Name: Ochkanov Mykyta Vadymovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Logistics
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: «Distribution management of products and services of a restaurant-type enterprise (on the example of Kumpel Craft LLC)». – Master’s qualification thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. EXTENDED ABSTRACT Actuality of theme. The need to improve service distribution management and build an effective sales system, necessary for the functioning and development of enterprises in the restaurant services market, is due to fierce competition in the service sector against the background of a decrease in demand for services. The study of the problem is explained by the fact that the level of development of the restaurant business in the economy of any country is one of the indicators of the quality of life of the population. In addition, high competition in the field of restaurant business stimulates the active development of this type of business, forces to introduce innovations, search for new segments, experiment to ensure competitive advantages in the market. In Ukraine, the market of the restaurant business is relatively young and one of the most dynamic, and therefore it arouses interest in its research. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find complete information about its development and the state of the market at the moment, which is due to its dynamic rates of change and the peculiarity of the reporting system for restaurant business enterprises. Therefore, the task of acquiring a highly competitive status of a restaurant enterprise due to the distribution of high-quality goods and services using the logistics concept and state support for the development of the sector arises. Possibilities of applying logistics in the restaurant business are due, firstly, to the development of competition caused by the transition from the seller’s market to the buyer’s market, and secondly, to the modern achievements of scientific and technical progress [4]. The role of the integrated approach of logistics, as a tool of the market economy, in the restaurant enterprise is connected with the theory and practice of marketing and management, it consists in the application of knowledge that provides an opportunity to implement the systematic rationalization of complex production and sales systems, to adapt to changes in the business environment, to adopt and implement management decisions [1]. The distribution of goods is identified with the process of sale and delivery of goods of a manufacturing enterprise to the final customer, sometimes it is synonymous with the sales category, although this is true only if, for the manufacturer, distribution is limited to the first link - the direct consumer. In a general sense, the distribution of goods is a tool for adjusting the supply of goods to the demand for them. From a logistical point of view, not only the demand in general is important, but also its logistical characteristics, that is, the type of goods, quantity, quality and assortment, its availability in a certain place at a certain time. The need to effectively manage distribution channels determines the relevance of the use of logistics and marketing methods and techniques [3]. Market share is the measure of utilization of the potential of the restaurant business’s sales activity. The larger it is, the more opportunities the company has to reduce prices, establish itself in the market, and create an image. Important indicators are the degree of coverage of potential consumers by the services of restaurant enterprises and the cost of food per consumer, trends in their changes. The main tasks of managing the sales activities of the restaurant business are: development of the sales system; development and improvement of the structure of the organization of sales and customer service; development and functioning of the sales organization and service process. The object of the study is the Kumpel Craft restaurant enterprise. The subject of the study is the management of the distribution of products and services of a restaurant-type enterprise The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate restaurant logistics and develop proposals for improving the distribution of goods of the Kumpel Kraft restaurant industry. Keywords: restaurant business enterprise, restaurant logistics, logistics management, logistics approach to management, restaurant service, distribution, distribution channels, client. List of used literary sources: 1. Azarenkov G.F. Methodical approaches to the management of a trading enterprise based on logistics. Economic Nobel Bulletin, 2015. 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