The competitiveness research at "RD-TECH" Ltd on the construction products market and the directions for its improvement justification

Students Name: Khomiak Marta Yuriivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: The study of the concept of competitiveness is one of the most critical components of market research, which lays the foundation for the formulation of the strategy and tactics of the subject’s activity on it, the choice of effective methods of increasing the technical level and quality [4]. In the modern scientific literature on economics, sufficient attention is paid to the definition of the concept of competitiveness. For example, "competitiveness is the qualitative characteristics (level of supply) of services, products, market relations available on the market at the functional group or similar goods and services with market relations of competitors [3]. At the same time, it is emphasized that the competitiveness of firms is possible in the presence of competitive goods or services since it is the latter that creates the prerequisites for occupying the market [2, p. 54]. In particular, the assessment of the competitiveness of a business entity should be carried out purposefully [2, p.51]: formation of measures to increase competitiveness; selection of partners for joint activities; development of programs for companies to enter new sales markets; development of investment activities, etc. The object of research of the master’s qualification work is the competitiveness of LLC "RD-TECH" in the market of construction products. The subject of the study is the theoretical and methodological principles of the formation of the competitiveness of LLC "RD-TECH" on the market of construction products in current conditions of martial law. The purpose of the research: is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological aspects of the level of competitiveness of "RD-TECH" LLC on the market of construction products and to substantiate the directions of its improvement. The results of the study: the essence and meaning of the competitiveness of the enterprise were revealed; the methods of assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise are substantiated; the factors that influence the competitiveness of the enterprise were investigated; an analysis of the activities of LLC "RD-TECH" was carried out; an analysis of the marketing activity of "RD-TECH" LLC was carried out; the level of competitiveness of "RD-TECH" LLC on the market of construction products was investigated; an analysis of the construction products market was carried out; the process of strategic planning of the activities of "RD-TECH" LLC based on the study of the business portfolio is substantiated; the preferences and needs of consumers of LLC "RD-TECH" were investigated; forecasting of construction market development indicators was carried out; forecasting of the influence of factors on the development of the construction market was carried out; proposals were made to increase the level of competitiveness of "RD-TECH" LLC. The scientific novelty of the master’s qualification work lies in the theoretical and practical aspects of the development and formation of proposals for increasing the level of competitiveness of LLC "RD-TECH" on the market of construction products. The tasks set in the master’s qualification work were carried out using the following methods: observation - with the help of which the state of the construction industry and the needs of consumers in the construction market were monitored; graphic and analytical method - for a visual illustration of the studied phenomena and processes with the help of drawings and diagrams; comparison – to compare the data of the reporting year with the data of the previous period; analysis and synthesis - to justify theoretical provisions and practical recommendations; generalization - with the help of which general conclusions were made. The research information base includes theoretical sources, in particular scientific publications of domestic and foreign scientists, regulatory and legislative acts of Ukraine, statistical data of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, results of own research, results of marketing research of the enterprise, and financial reporting of the enterprise. The practical significance of this work lies in the fact that the recommendations, measures, and proposals that were proposed to increase the level of competitiveness of RD-TECH LLC in this work were successfully implemented directly at the enterprise. Keywords: competitiveness, factors of competitiveness, marketing activity, construction products, construction products market. References 1. Bochko O.Iu., Buhaiets A.K. Tendentsii investytsiinoi pryvablyvosti budivelnoi haluzi: do ta v period pandemii COVID-19. Skhidna yevropa: ekonomika, biznes ta upravlinnia, 2021. Vypusk 6 (33). S.76-83 2. 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