The directions for improving the marketing product policy research and justification at the "Green Park Hotel & Spa" hotel in the hotel services market of Ukraine

Students Name: Kobyk Olena Romanivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: In crisis economic conditions, it is important to rationally build a product policy for the effective organization of the marketing activities of the enterprise, and when implementing it, it should be understood that the product occupies a key place in the marketing complex [1]. In today’s crisis conditions, enterprises are forced to switch to new relations with consumers, adapting to consumer market trends and developing a product policy aimed at forming a motive to buy from consumers and achieving a sales plan, therefore it is important to study the impact of marketing product policy on consumer behavior and respond in time to changes in the marketing environment [2, p. 97]. Marketing product policy is a purposeful set of actions aimed at maximum satisfaction of defined market needs created or attracted by consumer values [3, p. 76]. Management of the company’s marketing product policy is a continuous process. Planning, evaluation and revision of the product range are necessary at any stage of the enterprise’s development [4]. It is also worth noting that the external and internal environment of the enterprise has a significant influence on the formation of the marketing product policy. Taking into account influencing factors is a prerequisite for the formation of product policy, because otherwise it may not be effective at the chosen enterprise [5]. Study object - marketing product policy of the hotel «Green Park Hotel & Spa». Scope of research - theoretical and methodological principles regarding the formation of the marketing product policy of enterprises on the market. Goal of research: research of the hotel services market of Ukraine, formation of the marketing product policy of the «Green Park Hotel & Spa» hotel and justification of directions for its improvement. The research findings. Hotel «Green Park Hotel & Spa» belongs to the premium-class hotels, is located in the city of Truskavets, Lviv region and has experience since 2017. The hotel offers rooms of five categories, a restaurant, a SPA complex, and consumers can use the hotel’s well-developed infrastructure, namely a conference hall, a children’s room, etc. In total, the hotel employs 47 people, and the organizational structure is built according to the functional type. The hotel has 35 rooms, the restaurant offers a Swedish line of breakfasts, dishes of Ukrainian-Galician cuisine and European cuisine, complex lunches and dinners. The SPA complex offers ozokeritoparaffinotherapy procedures, body wraps, massages, physiotherapeutic procedures, and baths. Regional competition is characteristic of the market of hotel services in Ukraine. Crisis situations led to a decrease in the number of hotel business enterprises in Ukraine. In 2019, the number of hotels and similar means of temporary accommodation increased by 33.57% compared to 2014. In 2020 and 2021, we have a downward trend, that is, the number of hotels and similar means of temporary accommodation decreased by 548 units. It is important for hotels to be present in social networks. A consumer survey was conducted in September. Among the surveyed respondents, 58% choose small hotels for accommodation. The most popular services of the Spa complex are massage (54%). A total of 71% of respondents answered that they completely agree and agree to pay more for meals from the chef of the hotel restaurant. As a result of the research, it was suggested to carry out a SWOT analysis of the hotel «Green Park Hotel & Spa». According to the SWOT analysis matrix, a strategy is chosen that uses the internal strengths of the enterprise to protect against external threats, that is, the enterprise must maintain and develop its strengths. Such strong points are the wide range of services of the SPA complex, the developed infrastructure of the hotel, etc. According to the matrix constructed by the Boston Advisory Group, the numbers fell into the field of «Сash cows», and a strategy for maintaining competitive advantages was proposed. The restaurant got into the field of «Stars», so a strategy of intensifying efforts is proposed. The SPA complex fell into the «Question Marks» field, so a strategy for intensifying efforts was proposed. According to the ABC analysis of the range of SPA services of the hotel complex, 19 types of services belong to group A. Group B includes 31 names of services. It is worth promoting the services of group B more among hotel guests, so that in the future this group gravitates more towards group A. Group C consists of 46 types of services. ABC-XYZ analysis of restaurant dishes was also performed. 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