The tourist services of Ukraine market research and marketing activities improvement at "Tourist Firm "Sputnik" Ltd on it using Internet marketing tools

Students Name: Vynohradska Yuliia
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Internet-Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Today, the operation of a successful enterprise is practically impossible without the use of the Internet. In this regard, the study of new opportunities for the internationalization of marketing activities using the Internet, whose market in Ukraine is currently in the stage of development [1], becomes particularly relevant. That is, studying the tools of marketing activity using the Internet becomes especially necessary. This is due, firstly, to a great interest in the topic in today’s realities, and, secondly, to insufficient disclosure of the impact of some modern Internet marketing tools on business activity. Therefore, for the effective use of Internet marketing, it is necessary to study its modern and relevant features [2]. Internet marketing makes it possible to intensify the process of servicing potential customers, providing them with the necessary service without unnecessary costs. Moreover, it not only opens up for the enterprise the opportunity to effectively organize feedback with the consumer and quickly study the current demand, but also to flexibly change its own marketing plans and advertising projects in accordance with the situation outside the enterprise, which shows its great importance as a feature for business -activities [3]. Today, in the time of digitalization, almost all spheres of our life have moved to the online plane, which can be managed through any modern device. Of course, such an online change has not bypassed the business environment, in which companies are fighting for their "place under the sun" with their numerous competitors. On the one hand, this is good, because online competition creates a quality service with attractive offers, but on the other hand, it is more difficult for companies to break out into the leaders, because the product range of all companies is approximately at the same level [4]. Businesses then face the harsh reality that the winner is whoever has the fewest marketing weaknesses and shortcomings. Online business modernization is an integral part of every successful travel firm that has powerful competitive advantages in the market of travel services [5]. The development of information technologies and the total digitalization of the world have changed consumer needs and their attitude to the process of buying tourist products [6]. Almost no one visits the offline offices of travel agencies anymore, just as they do not pay attention to external advertising. Everyone has moved to the online plane, where the process of searching and choosing a future trip is easier, spontaneous and faster. This is understood by tourist companies, which, in pursuit of minimizing risks and maximizing income, work diligently to improve their marketing activities on the Internet and eliminate shortcomings that appear with the passage of time and the development of competing companies [8]. The option to stay afloat no longer works, because the one who does not improve - descends to inevitable business decline [4]. There are many tourism companies, but only a few are chosen from the gray zone thanks to diligent work: regular change and improvement of the product range, systematic monitoring of the price policy on the market, improvement of the qualifications of employees, improvement of advertising and the selection of the right advertising channels, effective positioning of the brand, implementation of a successful communication policy etc. The object of the study is the market of tourist services of Ukraine and the marketing activity of LLC Tourist Firm "Suputnyk". The subject of the study is the study of the tourist services market of Ukraine and the improvement of the marketing activities of the Tourist Firm Suputnyk LLC on it using Internet marketing tools. The purpose of the work is to conduct an analysis of the marketing activities of LLC Tourist Firm "Suputnyk" with the aim of ensuring the most effective use of Internet marketing tools in order to improve competitiveness in the market of tourist services of Ukraine. Results of the research The work examines the essence of Internet marketing, the principles of marketing activity in the service sector, as well as the peculiarities of using Internet marketing in the activities of travel firms, analyzes the marketing activity, financial indicators, product, price, sales and communication policy of the Tourist Firm "Sputnyk" LLC, examines the activities main competitors, consumer needs and the effectiveness of marketing activities of LLC Tourist Firm "Sputnyk" and developed recommendations for increasing the level of its competitiveness in the market of tourist services of Ukraine. A design layout for the company’s corporate website was also developed and a number of recommendations were provided to improve the marketing activities of Sputnik Tourist Firm LLC on the Internet using Internet marketing tools. Key words: Internet marketing, marketing activity, tourist company, competitiveness, Ukrainian tourist market. List of used literary sources: 1. 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