Research of the Internet advertising market in Ukraine and directions for marketing activities improvement justification Internet advertising agency AG.Marketing on it

Students Name: Bandalet Yuliia
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The essence of marketing is reflected in the concept of marketing, which is used by the enterprise in a certain period of time [1]. The desire to combine the main provisions of the most modern concepts of marketing into one led to the emergence of the concept of holistic marketing [2]. Realization of all types of interaction between commercial structures and customers with the help of the Internet is provided by digital marketing, the relevance of which is increasing in war conditions. In general, when forming their marketing activities in such difficult conditions, domestic enterprises must take into account a number of factors [3]. The main components of the enterprise’s marketing activities are marketing research, development of a marketing strategy, formation of a marketing complex, and marketing control. To maintain their market positions and improve them, enterprises should conduct marketing research [4]. In the process of marketing activities, enterprises need to ensure the balancing of all components of the marketing complex and the decisions made on them [5]. Study object – the study is the marketing activity of the Internet advertising agency AG.Marketing. Scope of research – the study is the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the enterprise’s marketing activity on the market and the development of directions for its improvement. Goal of research: analysis of the marketing activities of the Internet advertising agency AG.Marketing and justification of directions for its improvement. The research findings. Internet advertising agency AG.Marketing offers clients services in such areas as Google Ads, SEO, Landing Page and SMM. The largest share in the structure of its assortment is occupied by Google Ads service (46%), in particular contextual advertising. The high level of qualification of the employees of the Internet advertising agency AG.Marketing and, accordingly, the services provided by them for clients is ensured by their demanding selection and constant improvement of their qualifications. Each project of the agency is created according to the individual order of the client. When forming the prices for the offered services, the Internet advertising agency AG.Marketing focuses primarily on its own costs and competitors’ prices. Its services are competitive in the market compared to similar services of its main competitors. Internet advertising agency AG.Marketing uses a direct distribution channel for the sale of services, and for promotion - primarily Internet advertising, which it places on the pages of its website, conducting SEO optimization of the site and in social networks, sponsorship in the social sphere, publicity activities and personal selling, limited sales promotion measures. The constant increase in the number of Internet users, the frequency of its use, the existence of easy-to-use and easy-to-use marketing communication tools in the network caused a constant increase in the capacity of the Internet advertising market in recent years. However, as a result of the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, this trend was disrupted. In order to gain competitive advantages in the market, an advertising agency must constantly improve its marketing activities in the direction of maximum satisfaction of consumer needs. According to the results of the collected primary marketing information, it can be concluded that more than 10 h. 24,1% of respondents spend every day on the Internet, from 5 to 10 h. every day – 43,4% of respondents, that is, the Internet is an important source of information for the population of Ukraine. To find the necessary information, 42,2% of respondents browse 3-7 sites. Respondents do not sufficiently trust the information posted in advertisements, but they trust the information posted on the company’s official website, mostly trust the information posted on information resources, social networks, and blogs. Advertising in social networks and contextual advertising have the greatest impact on respondents, video advertising, banner advertising and teaser advertising have a slightly less impact. A SWOT analysis of the activities of the Internet advertising agency AG.Marketing made it possible to substantiate the areas of improvement of its marketing activity by individual components of its marketing complex. One of the ways to improve the competitive position of the Internet advertising agency AG.Marketing, to increase its client base, is to expand the range of this enterprise by conducting trainings in the field of Internet advertising (SEO promotion of sites). Calculations made taking into account the opinions of potential clients, representatives of the agency and state authorities proved that it is expedient for the agency to develop and implement this service. Taking into account the current trends in the development of the advertising market in Ukraine, the research agency needs to use the concept of relationship marketing. The work presents recommended methods of attracting customers from the Internet advertising agency AG.Marketing and identifies the key factors of attracting and losing loyal customers of advertising agencies. Key words: Internet advertising market of Ukraine, advertising agency, marketing activity, marketing complex, customer relations, customer loyalty. References. 1. Lutsii K.M. Evoliutsiia kontseptsii marketynhu yak vidobrazhennia tendentsii rozvytku rynkovoi ekonomiky. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. 2015. Vyp. 5. S. 90-93. 2. Kosar N.S., Sarapin T.V., Kuzo N.Ye. 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