Features of the composition formation of showcases design in fashion boutiques

Students Name: Liudkevych Khrystyna Bohdanivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Design
Institute: Institute of Architecture and Design
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2019-2020 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Annotation «Features of forming the showcase design composition in fashion boutiques» Liudkevych K. B. In the introductory part of the research, the relevance of the topic, tasks and purpose of the research, research methods, subject and object of research, scientific novelty and practical significance of the obtained results are justified. The state and essence of the scientific problem and the significance of the obtained results are revealed. In the first section, the research methodology and source base are analyzed, also, the current state of the study of the given problem is clarified. The methodological basis of the work was a systematic approach to solving the given tasks. This paper uses empirical and theoretical research methods. A theoretical research method was used to analyze the design of fashion boutique showcases. A detailed analysis of the source base has shown that as of today, there is no comprehensive study of the window design composition formation in fashion boutiques; therefore, this problem requires further detailed study. In the second section, the main types and kinds of showcases as well as the trademark image are considered. The main design principles of the entrance group showcases are described in detail. The features of creating a visual brand identification are revealed. The use of sign semiotics in identification systems is present. The main factors that influence the development of advertising showcase design are highlighted. Moreover, the detailed description of how the trade character affects the face of the brand can be found. In the third section, identification elements as well as forming motives of the entrance group and the space around the showcase are defined. The detailed description of the color, light, shape, and interaction of the subject-spatial environment with urban space can be observed. The fourth section provides a detailed analysis of the logo formation, corporate identity, and the development of unique fonts. The design of the illustrated fashion 2 magazine as well as design of the entrance group showcase of a fashion clothing boutique can be observed. It is determined that the main means of communication are signs and symbols, which together with font labels make up one common system. According to the conducted analysis, it can be argued that the first means of the brand identification is a trademark. The study of advertising and object-spatial design of fashion boutique showcases is explained by new trends in the formation of artistic communication in mass art, which in the context of a global information infrastructure changes approaches to the graphic, subject and decorative solution of its sign, figurative and symbolic system. Keywords: showcase, corporate identity, trademark, brand identification.