Information Security Systems and Automation of Information Processing Information Security Systems and Automation of Information Processing
Qualification awarded: Master in Cybersecurity
Entry year: 2021
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 1.5 years
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Number of credits: 90 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 7 (Second cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 7)
Field(s) of study: Information technology
Gained competence: – ability to conduct research and/or innovation activities in the field of information security and/or cyber security, as well as in the field of technical and cryptographic protection of information in cyberspace; – ability to justify the use, implement and analyze the best global standards, practices in order to solve complex problems of professional activity in the field of information security and/or cyber security; – ability to research, develop and implement methods and measures to counter cyber incidents, to implement management, control and investigation procedures, as well as to provide recommendations for the prevention and analysis of cyber incidents in general; – ability to research, develop, implement and use methods and means of cryptographic and technical information protection of business/operational processes, as well as analyze and provide an assessment of the effectiveness of their use in information systems, objects of information activity and critical infrastructure; – ability to choose, analyze and develop suitable typical analytical, calculation and experimental methods of cyber protection, develop, implement and support projects for the protection of information in cyberspace, innovative activities and protection of intellectual property; – ability to use the methods of natural, physical and computer modeling to study processes related to information security and/or cyber security; – ability to plan and perform experimental and theoretical research, propose and test hypotheses, choose suitable methods and tools for this, carry out statistical processing of data, evaluate the reliability of research results, argue conclusions.
– integrate fundamental and specialized knowledge to solve complex information security and/or cyber security challenges in broad or multidisciplinary contexts; – apply, integrate, develop, implement and improve modern information technologies, physical and mathematical methods and models in the field of information security and/or cyber security; – critically consider the problems of information security and/or cyber security, including at the interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary level, in particular on the basis of understanding the new results of engineering and physical and mathematical sciences, as well as the development of technologies for the creation and use of specialized software; – analyze and evaluate the security of systems, complexes and means of cyber protection, technology of creation and use of specialized software; – research, develop and support systems and means of information security and/or cyber security at objects of information activity and critical infrastructure; – analyze, monitor and ensure the effective functioning of the information resources access management system in accordance with the established information security and/or cyber security strategy and policy of the organization; – make informed decisions on organizational and technical issues of information security and/or cyber security in complex and unpredictable conditions, including using modern methods and means of optimization, forecasting and decision-making; – set and solve complex engineering, applied and scientific problems of information security and/or cyber security, taking into account the requirements of domestic and international standards and best practices; – to combine theory and practice, as well as to make decisions and develop an activity strategy to solve the problems of the field of information protection, taking into account universal values, public, state and industrial interests; – knowledge of the methods of analysis, synthesis, optimization and forecasting of the quality of the functioning of information processes and technologies in distributed information and communication systems.
– communicate freely in national and foreign languages, orally and in writing, to present and discuss the results of research and innovation, ensure business/operational processes and issues of professional activity in the field of information security and/or cyber security; – clearly and unambiguously communicate own conclusions on information security and/or cyber security issues, as well as knowledge and explanations that justify them to staff, partners and others; - have the skills of autonomous and independent learning in the field of information security and/or cyber security and related fields of knowledge, analyze one's own educational needs and objectively evaluate the results of training; – plan training, as well as accompany and supervise work with personnel in the area of information security and/or cyber security; – justify the selection of software, equipment and tools, engineering technologies and processes, as well as their limitations in the field of information security and/or cyber security based on current knowledge in related fields, scientific, technical and reference literature and other available information.
Access to further studies: Obtaining third (educational and scientific / educational and creative) level