Genesis and Metamorphoses of Nature’s Idea

Major: Philosophy
Code of subject: 8.033.00.M.010
Credits: 3.00
Department: Philosophy
Lecturer: Dsc (Philosophy), Assoc. Prof. Ihor Karivets
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Purpose: to reveal to PhD students the meaning of the idea of nature and to promote awareness of its importance for their specialty (profession). This is especially true for those PhD students who study natural and technical specialties, as well as specialties related to the latest technologies, as the latter have a significant impact on the transformation (modification) of nature. They will be able to articulate the main issues in the field of philosophy of nature and the peculiarities of understanding nature in the philosophy of science, in particular the philosophy of physics, philosophy of biology and more. To know: - the importance of the idea of nature for their own specialty and profession; - consequences of interference in the nature of the latest technologies; - the basis of changing the importance of nature in the European history of science; - the origins of human influences on nature and their consequences. Be able to: - focus on changing the meanings of the idea of nature and its ambiguity in the civilizational process of Europe; -determine the value dimension of nature within its specialty; to formulate problematic questions, to be critical of both the traditional human-nature relationship and the newest one, based on the analysis of various information, demonstrating the independence of answers and conclusions.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy and metodology of Science. Corequisites: Gnoseology and Epistemology
Summary of the subject: Idea of nature in anthropologic, philosophical, and scientific context; philosophy of nature in Ancient Greece; nature and naturwissenschafte in Modernity; idea of nature in natural sciences of 19th-20th centuries: change of paradigms; change of understanding of a human nature under impact of contemporary technologies.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (40%): oral questioning, presentations at seminars, tests, colloquium. - Final control (60%): module work, examination.
Recommended books: 1. Ахутин А.В. Понятие «природа» в Античности и в Новое время: («фюзис» и «натура»). – Москва, 1988. 2.Ґодфрі-Сміт Пітер. Інформація в біології / Пер. з англ.У. Лущ // Антологія сучасної філософії науки, або усмішка ASIMO. – Львів, 2017. – C.227-247. 3. Кайку М. Майбутнє розуму. Наукові спроби осягнути, вдосконалити і підсилити інтелект. – Львів, 2017. 4. Природа, натура // Європейський словник філософій. Лексикон неперекладностей. Том 3. – Київ, 2013. 5. Рюс Ж. Поступ сучасних ідей. – Київ, 1998. – С. 343-370 (Епістемологія біології) 6. Рюс Ж. Поступ сучасних ідей. – Київ, 1998. – С.301-342 (Епістемологія фізичних наук) 7. Сучасне природознавство: когнітивний, світоглядний, культурно-історичний виміри. – Київ, 1995