Teaching Practice

Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of subject: 8.071.00.O.008
Credits: 3.00
Department: Accounting and Analysis
Lecturer: Prof. Yaremko I.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Ability to master the basics of learning: scientific-methodical and educational-methodical work: skills of structuring and psychologically competent transformation of scientific knowledge into educational material, systematization of educational and upbringing tasks; methods and means of compiling tasks, exercises, tests on various topics, oral and written translation of subject material, various educational technologies; 2. Skills in the process of preparation and conduct of training sessions - the formation of skills for setting educational goals, choosing the type, type of classes, the use of various forms of organization of educational activities: diagnosis, monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of educational activities; 3. Skills in the course of attending classes - acquaintance with different ways of structuring and presenting educational material, ways to intensify educational activities, features of professional rhetoric, with different ways and methods of assessing educational activities in higher education.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Methodology of scientific research in the accounting and analytical field of knowledge Professional pedagogy Correquisites: Accounting and reporting system in the architecture of modern economics Conceptual principles, methods and tools of tax planning
Summary of the subject: Getting acquainted with the key principles of the educational process at the university - the basis of the pedagogical workshop: the history of creation and development of the university, its charter, organizational structure, development strategy, place in the ranking of higher education institutions in the region and country. Acquaintance with the basic principles of organization of educational process at university: with levels, degrees and qualifications acquired in higher education, standards of educational activity and higher school, quality assurance of higher education, organization of educational process, its participants, management of educational process. Acquaintance with the activities of the profile department and its place in the structure of the university based on the study of the Regulations of the department, job descriptions of research and teaching staff, the structure of the department, the distribution of pedagogical workload, communication with other departments. Acquaintance with pedagogical and teaching practice of leading scientific and pedagogical workers of the profile department. Get acquainted with the teaching methods and educational technologies used by leading teachers of the profile department on the basis of attending their classes, studying their prepared teaching materials (teaching aids), fulfilling the instructions of these employees, mastering the rights and responsibilities of teachers. Acquisition of skills of preparation of methodical materials on separate discipline. Acquire skills of lecture preparation, plan of seminar (practical, laboratory) classes, choice of lecture type, development of practical tasks, tests, cases, slides, choice of forms of control of independent and individual work, preparation of tasks for scientific work of students (subjects of course and diploma works). Assimilation of practical teaching skills. Acquire skills of lectures, seminars (practical, laboratory) classes, consultations, leadership of student research, assessment of students' knowledge, application of modern pedagogical concepts and methods. Acquisition of skills of self-analysis of pedagogical and teaching activity. Execution of an individual task. Preparation of the general report.
Assessment methods and criteria: Semester control is conducted in the form of undifferentiated credit, which is conducted in the form of an oral express survey, individual research tasks, lectures, practical and laboratory classes on the initial disciplines and relevant topics determined by the head of the pedagogical workshop.
Recommended books: 1. Козловський Ю. М. Інтеграційні процеси в професійній освіті: методологія, теорія, методики: монографія. – Львів: Вид-во Львівської політехніки, 2018. – 420 с. 2. Левочко М.Т. Професійна підготовка майбутніх фахівців економічної галузі: теорія, методика, організація [монографія]/М.Т. Левочко; Держ. акад. статистики, обліку і аудиту. – К.: ДП «Інформ.-аналіт. агенство», 2009. – 495 с. 3.Лозова В. І., Троцко Г. В. Теоретичні основи виховання і навчання: Навч. посібник / В.І. Лозова, Г.В. Троцко. – Xарків: “ОВС”, 2012. – 287 с. 4.Педагогіка: Навч. посібник/Н.П.Волкова. – 4-те вид., стереотип. – К. :Академвидав, 2012. – 616 с. 5.Педагогіка: Навч. посібник / Галузяк В.М., Сметанський М.І., Шахов В.І. – Вінниця: ТОВ фірма «Планер», 2012. – 400 с. 6. Теслюк В.М. Основи педагогічної майстерності викладача вищої школи: підруч. / В.М. Теслюк. – К.: ДААКіМ, 2015. – 361 с. 7. Чижевська Л.В. Методика викладання облікових дисциплін: Навчальний посібник для студентів вищи навчальних закладів. / За ред. Проф. Ф.Ф. Бутинця. – Житомир: ПП “Рута”, 2003. – 504 с. 8. Ясишена В.В., Волинець В.І. Методологія наукових досліджень і викладання облікових дисциплін: навч. посіб. Тернопіль: Крок, 2017. –231 с.