National Security in the Context of Modern European Geopolitical Transformations

Major: Public Administration
Code of subject: 8.281.00.M.027
Credits: 3.00
Department: Theoretical and Applied Economics
Lecturer: Associate Professor Danylovych-Kropyvnytska M.L.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Acquiring knowledge and understanding of an advanced level in the field of public management and administration and related fields, including the methodology of scientific research. The level of this knowledge should be sufficient to conduct research at the level of the latest world achievements and aimed at their expansion and deepening; - ability to develop in detail and convincingly present to a group of qualified researchers a sound research plan for solving an important problem; - ability to present their research results in a foreign language.
Required prior and related subjects: Management of scientific projects Methodology of preparation of scientific publications Strategies of competitive development of the state
Summary of the subject: The program of the discipline "National Security in the Context of Modern European Geopolitical Transformations" provides for the study of the basics of state policy of ensuring and managing national security, its organizational and regulatory support. In the context of the current situation, the military security of Ukraine, threats to the territorial integrity of Ukraine will be studied. Considerable attention will also be paid to the study of terrorism as a global threat to international and national security.
Assessment methods and criteria: Form of final control - exam. Means of diagnosing learning progress: oral questioning, individual tasks, activity and creativity in practical classes, ability to work with creative tasks, presentations of own projects.
Recommended books: 1. Андрєєва О. М. Національна безпека України в контексті національної ідентичності і взаємовідносин з Росією / О. М. Андрєєва ; Ін-т політ. і етнонац. дослідж. ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України. Київ : Парлам. Вид-во, 2009. 359 c. 2. Андрущенко (Гринько) С. В. Україна в сучасному геополітичному середовищі / С. В. Андрущенко (Гринько). Київ : Логос, 2005. 288 c. 3. Ворович Б. О. Оцінка геополітичної обстановки та прийняття стратегічних рішень щодо запобігання воєнним конфліктам / Б. О. Ворович, Ю. В. Єгоров, Г. Ф. Костенко ; Нац. ун-т оборони України, Центр воєнно-стратег. досліджень. Київ : [Паливода А. В.], 2011. 172 c. 4. Геополітика : енциклопедія / Є. М. Суліма, М. А. Шепєлєв, І. П. Білецький [та ін.]. Київ : Знання, 2013. 919 c.