Prospects of Development of Design and information Environment

Major: Design
Code of subject: 7.022.01.O.009
Credits: 4.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Melnyk Oksana Yaroslavivna, Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The purpose of studying the discipline "Prospects for the development of design and information environment" is to deepen professional knowledge of students in their comprehensive professional training, by familiarizing with the main theoretical principles, principles and methods of designing the information environment by means of design. As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. Understand the purpose and place of the course "Prospects for the development of design and information environment" in the general system of professional designer training; 2. Understand the essence of the information environment, which in modern design practices is formed in a set of subject-spatial, printed and digital medium; 3. Know the historical aspects of the development of information design; 4. to understand the nature and classification of information design objects in the subject-spatial environment of the city, public spaces, transport infrastructure; Understand the communicative capabilities of modern artistic practices in urban spaces. 6. Understand the features of communicative design in the system of printed publications; 7. Understand the features of communicative design in the digital environment system. Be able to apply interactive technologies in design as an instrument of quality information delivery 8. Be able to analyze the problem situation and to form communication in the form of infographics. 9. Understand the problems of visualization of information in the information environment; In practice, to apply acquired knowledge, solving a variety of communication problems.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: The main trends in modern design Advertising design Co-requisites: Semiotics of design Advertising theory and corporate identity Urban environment design
Summary of the subject: The course "Prospects for the development of design and information environment" is designed for one semester of study, covers 120 hours in the 2nd semester and structurally includes a theoretical part, as well as independent work. The course provides an extended study of the communicative aspects of design that determine its functioning in the systems of subject-spatial, print and digital environment. The study of this subject provides students with an understanding of the essence of the information environment and emphasizes the practical role of design in its formation and aesthetic organization.
Assessment methods and criteria: During the semester, a student can score up to 40 points (15 points - current control, 35 - for individual research tasks). At the exam - a maximum of 50 points. To be admitted to the exam, a student must score at least 25 points based on the results of the current control. The exam involves written testing.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support: 1. Electronic teaching and methodological complex "Prospects for the development of design and information environment " is located in the virtual educational environment of Lviv Polytechnica at the address: 2. Formed visual-demonstration presentations for each lecture class. Recommended Books: Basic: 1.Аронов В. Теоретические концепции зарубежного дизайна. – М.: ВНИИТЄ, 1992. – 121с. 2.Басин Е. Искусство и комуникация. М.: МОНФ, 1999. 3.Боумен У. Графическое представление информации: Пер. с англ.. – М.: Мир, 1971. – 225с. 4.Венда В. Средства отображения информации. – М.: Єнергия, 1969. – 304с. 5.Венда В.Информационная техника и єргономика. – М.: Знание, 1970. – 48с. 6.Воробьов Г. Человек – человек. М., 1970. С.66-75. 7.Глазичев В. О дизайне. М.: Искусство, 1970. – 192с. 8.Даниленко, В. 2005. Дизайн України у світовому контексті художньо-проектної культури: Монографія. Х.: ХДАДМ, Колорит, 243 с. 9.Даниленко В. Дизайн. Підручник. – Харків: ХДАДМ, 2003. – 320с. 10.Желязны Д. Говори на языке диаграмм. Москва : Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2012. 320 с. 11.Крам Р. Инфографика. Визуальное представление данных. Пер.с.англ. О. Сивченко. Санкт-Петербугр: Питер, 2015. 384 с. 12.Кликс Р. Художественное проєктирование єкспозиций. – М.: В. Школа, 1978. – 208с. 13.Костенко А. Средства информации в архитектуре. – К.: Будівельник, 1984. – 112с. 14.Моль А. Теория информации и эстетическое восприятие. М.: Мир, 1965. – 348с. 15.Родькин П. Новое визуальное восприятие. М., 1989. 16. Стор И. Смыслообразование в графическом дизайне. Метаморфозы зрительных образов. М.: МГТУ им. А.Косыгина, 2003. 17. Хазанова В.Монументальная литература в городе. – в кн.. Синтез искусств и архітектура общественных зданий. М.: Стройиздат, 1974, С.151-177. 18.Черневич Е. Язык графического дизайна. – М.: ВНИИТЭ, 1975. – 137с. 19.Штець В. Візуальне сприйняття графічних зображень в сформованому міському середовищі. Вісник ХДАДМ, 2005, ч.6, С.91-96. 20. Byars M. The Design Encyclopedia. – NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994. 21.Carter R., Day B., Meggs P., Typographic Design: Form and Communication. – NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993. – 278p. 22.Hollis R. Graphic Design. – London: Thames & Hudson world of art, 2001. – 232 p. 23.Shedroff N. Information Interaction Design: A Unifi ed Field Theory of Design. Information Design. The MIT Press, 2000. 376 р. 24.Smiciklas M. The Power of Infographics: Using Pictures to Communicate and Connect with Your Audience. Indianapolis, 2012. 189 р. 25.Tufte E. Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative. Cheshire: Graphic Press,1997. 156 p.