Urban Conflictology and Partisipation

Major: City Planning and Urban Design
Code of subject: 7.191.02.E.039
Credits: 4.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: D.Arch., Prof. Hennadij Shulha
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and profession; • The ability to learn, perceive the acquired knowledge in the subject area and integrate them with already available; the ability to search and analyze information from different sources; • Basic knowledge of fundamental sciences in the necessary extent for the general professional subjects mastering; • Competence in the modern architectural theories and doctrines; • Applying the comprehensive study knowledge about architectural and urban object in urban design and to conduct research activities.
Required prior and related subjects: • Modern architectural theories and doctrines • Modern concepts of urban Planning • Fundamentals of spatial planning • Urban planning legislation and law • Landscape complexes in spatial planning
Summary of the subject: Conflict – the social phenomenon. The structural model of the conflict. The conflict borders. Functions of the conflict. Objective and subjective reasons of the conflicts. Conflict stages and phases. The behavior of people in conflict. Conflicts classification. Political conflicts. Social conflicts. Family conflicts. Ethnic conflicts. Confessional conflicts. Conflicts of the different cultures and spiritual values. Legal conflicts. Economic conflicts. Conflict management and diagnostics. Conflict regulation methods. Way out of the conflict: models and styles. Conditions of the appearance and development of the conflicts on the cities territory. Planning conflicts. Urban environment conflicts. The VIP Residential quarters – surroundings problems. Engineering communication problems. Strategies of the conflict resolution.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Control work (40%) • Summary control (verification event): tests (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Анцупов А.Я., Малишев A.A. Введення в конфліктологію; як попередити та вирішувати міжособисті конфлікти.- К., 1996 2. Бандурка А.М., Друзь В.А. Конфліктологія; Навч. посіб. для вузів. - Харьків, 1997. 3.Конфліктологія: Підручн. Для студентів вищих навч. закладів / За ред. М.М. Герасіної, М.І. Попова. - Харьків: Право, 2002.

Urban Conflictology and Partisipation (курсовий проєкт)

Major: City Planning and Urban Design
Code of subject: 7.191.02.E.040
Credits: 5.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., research assistant Nataliya Danylko Ph.D., research assistant Shchegolska Solomiya
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: know: knowledge of the basics of professionally oriented disciplines of the specialty "191 Architecture and Urban Planning"; knowledge of economics and project management in architecture and urban planning; knowledge of project documentation in the field of architecture and urban planning; be able: design architectural and urban planning objects, to design the urban environment taking into account society and the principles of balanced development; ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions;
Required prior and related subjects: Architectural design Sociology of the city
Summary of the subject: The course is aimed at studying the application of participatory methods in design, which is key in the formation of civil society. Tasks are aimed at the ability to identify stakeholders and the subject of the survey during design, learn to discuss the project with future users and implement solutions to improve the quality of the solution and its use in the future.
Assessment methods and criteria: Written work on the results of the selected participatory method (50%) Graphic work using the results of participation (50%)
Recommended books: Планування і забудова міських і сільських поселень // Державні будівельні норми України: Містобудування ДБН 360-92. — Київ, 1992.— 68 с. Neufert Ernst. Podrecznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego.— Warszawa: „Arkady”, 2005. Місто й оновлення. Урбаністичні студії / Представництво Фонду ім.Гайнріха Бьолля в Україні; Редкол.: С.Шліпченко, В. Тимінський, А.Макаренко, Л.Малес, І.Тищенко. – К.: ФОП Москаленко О.М., 2013. – 360 с. Голубєва Мария, Иелея Диана. Как проводить исследования с вовлечением насиления (посібник)