Scientific Research in Construction

Major: Highways and Airfields
Code of subject: 7.192.05.O.012
Credits: 6.00
Department: Building Production
Lecturer: Prof. DrSc Myroslav Sanytsky Prof. DrSc Tetiana Kropyvnytska
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Basic provisions on scientific research in construction; ability to analyze scientific publications in the direction of development and research of high-quality construction materials, ability to apply scientific approaches to problems in the operation of buildings and structures, ability to scientifically substantiate the processes occurring in building constructions.
Required prior and related subjects: Construction materials. Energy-saving technologies in construction.
Summary of the subject: Scientific aspects of obtaining low-emission cements. Modern waste management strategy. Modern trends in the introduction of high-tech materials in construction. Nanotechnology in construction. The use of modifiers in the technology of prefabricated and monolithic construction. High-performance concretes as construction materials of a new generation in construction. Improving the performance of concrete in aggressive corrosive environments. Increasing the durability of brick constructions.
Assessment methods and criteria: Written reports on laboratory works, oral examination, settlement and graphic work (30%). Final control : written-oral form (70 %, control measure, test).
Recommended books: Електронний навчальний комплекс 2. ДСТУ EN 206:2018 Бетон. Технічні вимоги, експлуатаційні характеристики, виробництво та критерії відповідності (EN 206:2013 + A1:2016, IDT). 3. ДСТУ Б EN 197-1:2015 (EN 197-1:2011, IDT). Цемент. Частина 1. Склад, технічні умови та критерії відповідності для звичайних цементів. К. : Мінрегіон України, 2016. 53 с. 4. Болотских О., Ройтер Г.-Г. Циммер У.-П. Европейские методы физико-механических испытаний бетона. Харків : Торнадо, 2017. 200 с. 5. Баженов Ю. М., Алимов Л. А., Воронин В. В. Наномодифицированные цементные бетоны. М. : Изд-во АСВ, 2017. 198 с. 6. Концепція низьковуглецевого розвитку в цементній промисловості / М. А. Саницький, Т. П. Кропивницька, Г. С. Іващишин, Б. Г. Русин. Будівельні матеріали та вироби. 2017. № 5-6. С. 24–27. 7. Високоміцні швидкотверднучі бетони та фібробетони / Л. Й. Дворкін, Є. М. Бабич, В. В. Житковський та ін. Рівне : НУВГП. 2017. 331 с. 8. Zementherstellung-Charakterisierung, VDZ, 2016.

Scientific Research in Construction

Major: Highways and Airfields
Code of subject: 7.192.05.O.013
Credits: 6.00
Department: Building Constructions and Bridges
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Scientific Research in Construction

Major: Highways and Airfields
Code of subject: 7.192.05.O.011
Credits: 6.00
Department: Highways and Bridges
Lecturer: professor Khrystyna Sobol
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. PH04. Carry out operation, maintenance and quality control of construction and civil engineering facilities 2. PH08. Track the latest achievements in the chosen specialization, use them to create innovations 3. COM 1. Reporting to specialists and non-specialists information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experience and argumentation 4. COM 2. Collection, interpretation and application of data 5. COM 3. Communication on professional issues, including in a foreign language, orally and in writing 6. COM 4. Clear and unambiguous communication of own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular to students 7. A&I 1. Management of work or learning processes that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches 8. AI 2. Responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice and / or evaluating the performance of teams and teams 9. AiV 3. Ability to continue training with a high degree of autonomy
Required prior and related subjects: Engineering Networks and Facilities Intellectual Property Modern technologies and materials in road construction
Summary of the subject: Science and research. The problem and research topic. Information management research, media. The organization of research work. The dialectic and creative methods of finding scientific solutions. Search and accumulation of scientific information. Theoretical and experimental research. Making the results of research and information transfer. The concept of power construction according to sustainable development principles and laws of Ukraine. European Standard for cement and concrete rules for their implementation. Roadmap of low-emission mistress in compliance with the European Union.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control - 30 points (reports on laboratory work, test tasks). Final control (exam) - 70 points.
Recommended books: 1. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс, який використовується для забезпечення дисципліни "Наукові дослідження в будівництві" ( 2.Методологія і принципи наукових досліджень : навч. посіб. /Х.С. Соболь, Н.І. Петровська, О.М. Гуняк. - Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніка, 2018. - 92 с. 3. Рокочинський А.М., Сапсай Г.І., Шалай С.В. Основи наукових досліджень: навч. посібник/ за редакцією А.М. Рокочинського – Херсон: ОЛДІ ПЛЮС, 2017. – 172 с.