Designing of Processing Production of Polymer and Composite Materials

Major: Chemical Technologies of Polymeric and Composite Materials Processing
Code of subject: 7.161.06.E.045
Credits: 5.00
Department: Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing
Lecturer: Associate Professor Krasinskyi Volodymyr
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: - have modern ideas about advanced technologies for designing industrial production of products from polymers and composites; - to be guided in standard technological schemes of processes of processing of plastics and methods of calculation of material balances of production of plastic products and rational use of raw materials; - to be guided in questions of environmental protection during designing of the industrial enterprises. ЗН7. Knowledge of methodologies for design and modernization of chemical industry facilities, in accordance with regulatory requirements of current standards and specifications. УМ11. Carry out a feasibility study of chemical production (determination of the need for the target product and calculation of production capacity), have methods of improving the technological process, understand the theoretical and practical approaches to the creation and management of production. УМ12. Carry out the selection of appropriate technological equipment and graphically depict the technological process, using computer-aided design systems to develop a technological and hardware scheme of chemical-technological industries. УМ16. Adhere to safety in the workplace. Organize measures for labor protection and life safety. AіВ 4. Ability to apply measures for environmental protection, labor protection and life safety.
Required prior and related subjects: - Engineering graphics; - Equipment for polymer and composite processing plants; - Thermoplastic processing technology
Summary of the subject: General concepts of design organization. Basic concepts and terms of the course. The structure of the project of an industrial enterprise. Basic input data for design. Design tasks. Production capacity of the enterprise. Development of technological schemes. Production of thermoplastic products by injection molding. Production of profile and molding products by extrusion. Production of bulk products by blown extrusion. Production of thermoforming products. Production of products from reactoplasts by pressing method. Standardization of consumption of polymeric materials and energy resources. Typical structure of consumption rate of polymeric materials. Factors affecting the consumption of polymeric materials. Material balance of production. Energy supply of plastics products. Fundamentals of construction of industrial buildings. General plan of the enterprise. Requirements for industrial buildings and their classification. Structural elements of buildings and principles of their design. Lighting, ventilation, heating, water supply and drainage. Equipment placement. Development of the layout of technological equipment. Organization of jobs. In-shop transport. Occupational safety in plastics processing. Environmental protection during plastics processing.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Practical classes (30%); - Final control (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Тихонов Н.Н. Основы проектирования производств переработки полимеров : учеб. пособие / Н.Н. Тихонов, М.А. Шеришев. – М.: РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева, 2013. – 280 с. 2. Ревяко М.М., Касперович О.М. Оборудование и основы проектирования предприятий по переработке пластмасс. Уч. Пособие. – Мн.: БГТУ, 2005. – 344 с. 3. Ким В.С. Оборудование заводов пластмасс. В 2 ч. Часть 2 : учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата / В.С. Ким, М.А. Шеришев. – 2-е изд. испр. и доп. – М.: Изд. Юрайт, 2018. – 301 с. 4. Шеришев М.А. Оборудование заводов пластмасс. В 2 ч. Часть 1 : учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата / М.А. Шеришев, В.С. Ким. – 2-е изд. испр. и доп. – М.: Изд. Юрайт, 2017. – 277 с. 5. О. Шварц, Ф. В. Эбелинг, Б. Фурт. Переработка пластмасс. под общ. ред. А.Д. Панимаченко: Профессия, 2005. – 320 с. 6. Производство изделий из полимерных материалов / Под ред. В.К. Крыжановского. СПб.: Профессия, 2008. – 460 с. 7. Технологія переробки полімерних та композиційних матеріалів: підруч. для студентів ВНЗ / О. В. Суберляк, П. І. Баштаник. - Вид. 2-е, допов. - Львів : Растр-7, 2015. - 454 с. 8. Сутягин В.М. Основы проектирования и оборудование производств полимеров : учеб. пособие / В.М. Сутягин, А.А. Ляпков, В.Г. Бондалетов; Томский политехнический университет. – Томск: Изд-во ТМУ, 2010. – 432 с.