Technology of Decision Processes Support

Major: System Analysis
Code of subject: 7.124.00.O.004
Credits: 6.00
Department: Information Systems and Networks
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Veres Oleh Mykhailovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Learning goals: training professionals capable of designing complex information systems, developing new and applying existing methods of system analysis to solve complex problems in various spheres of activity. Theoretical content of the subject area: theory of management and decision-making, mathematical and computer modeling of systems and processes, management of IT projects and IT products, data analysis, operations research, system optimization. To provide students with theoretical knowledge, practical skills in mastering and using technologies, methods and software designed to support decision-making processes in intelligent information systems.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general competences: Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources. Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups at different levels (with experts from other fields of knowledge/types of economic activity). Ability to develop and manage projects. professional competences: SK1. The ability to integrate knowledge and carry out systematic research, to apply methods of mathematical and informational modeling of complex systems and processes of various nature. SK2. Ability to design the architecture of information systems. SK3. Ability to develop decision support systems and recommender systems. SK4. Ability to assess risks, develop risk management algorithms in complex systems of various nature. SK5. The ability to model, forecast and design complex systems and processes based on the methods and tools of system analysis. SK6. The ability to apply the theory and methods of Data Science to perform intelligent data analysis in order to identify new properties and generate new knowledge about complex systems. SK7. Ability to manage work processes in the field of information technology, which are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches. SK8. The ability to develop and implement scientific and applied projects in the field of information technology and related interdisciplinary projects. SK10. Ability to self-education and professional development.
Learning outcomes: PH1. Specialized conceptual knowledge that includes modern scientific achievements in the field of systems analysis and information technologies and is the basis for original thinking and conducting research. PH2. Build and research models of complex systems and processes using methods of system analysis, mathematical, computer and information modeling. PH3. Apply methods of revealing uncertainties in the problems of system analysis, reveal situational uncertainties and uncertainties in the problems of interaction, opposition and conflict of strategies, find a compromise when revealing conceptual uncertainty. PH4. Develop and apply methods, algorithms and tools for forecasting the development of complex systems and processes of various nature. PH5. Use measures of risk assessment and apply them in the analysis of multifactorial risks in complex systems. PH7. To develop intelligent systems in conditions of loosely structured data of various nature. PH9. Develop and apply models, methods and decision-making algorithms in conditions of conflict, unclear information, uncertainty and risks.
Required prior and related subjects: System analysis methodologies Computational intelligence Discrete Math Recommender systems Decision making theory
Summary of the subject: The knowledge obtained in the process of studying this discipline is based on the key provisions of informatics, information technologies, system analysis, decision-making theory, as well as on the application of modern technologies, methods and procedures of intellectual support of decision-making processes in information systems.
Опис: History of development and use of technologies for supporting decision-making processes. The concept of decision support technology in the field of management. Basics of decision support technology in IS The life cycle of problem solving. The concept of decision-making technology in the field of management. Stages and stages of the decision-making process. Comparative characteristics of the main types of solutions. The place of the decision support system (DSS) in IS. The main characteristics of SPR. Problems of automation and intellectualization of decision-making support in IS. Forms of supporting decision-making processes Information support of decisions. The task of information support of decisions and the main stages of its development Optimization and computational support of the decision-making process. Architecture of the problem solving support system. Intelligent decision support. The structure of the intelligent decision support system. Data storage technology in decision support systems Purpose of data warehouses. The main directions of IT development: data processing systems and decision support systems (oriented to data analysis). The concept of data storage and its relationship with the concept of data analysis. Data collection, maintaining data integrity, providing access to data. Characteristics of the main methods of analysis: classical statistical (DSS); dynamic interactive multidimensional analysis (OLAP/ROLAP). Technologies and means of implementing data warehouses: heterogeneity of the computing environment; distribution; metadata The value of metadata in data repositories. Peculiarities of storage use by the main categories of users: end users, database administrators, developers. DBMS for analytical systems: DBMS, DBMS. Disk subsystem, special OS versions for data storage. Parallel data processing. Data windows. Manager's information system. Transparency of the interface, manager's database, data collection and consolidation tools, information presentation technology, data research mechanism, planning mechanism, Communication mechanism, development tools.. Forms of data research: finding associations, sequences, hidden patterns in data sets, assessing the importance of the influence of parameters on events and situations, classification, identifying clusters, making forecasts of events and situations. Application of data warehouses: e-commerce, enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM). Application of decision support methodology in industrial software products ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) methodology. Production organization methodologies based on MRP II (Manufacturing Resources Planning) resource planning. Production management systems. Business management systems. Reengineering of business processes. General characteristics of the products of leading companies Baan, J.D. Edwards, Oracle, PeopleSoft and SAP.
Assessment methods and criteria: Diagnostics of knowledge is carried out by evaluating the completed laboratory work and the exam (written component - test questions of three levels of difficulty and oral component - survey).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: • Current control (40%): written reports on laboratory work, essay, oral examination; • Final control (60% exam): in written, verbally.
Recommended books: 1) Катренко А. В. Теорія прийняття рішень : підручник з грифом МОН / Катренко А. В., Пасічник В. В., Пасько В. П. — К. : Видавнича група BHV, 2009. — 448 с. : ил. 2) Катренко А. В. Дослідження операцій : підручник з грифом МОН / Катренко А. В. — Львів : «Магнолія-2006», 2007. — 480 с.. 3) Верес О. М. Технології підтримання прийняття рішень: Навч. посібник / за заг. ред. В.В.Пасічника. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010. – 252 с. — (Серія «Консолідована інформація», вип.3). 4) Кини Р. Л. Принятие решений при многих критериях : замещения и предпочтения / Р. Л. Кини, Х. Райфа. — М. : Радио и связь, 1981. — 560 с. 5) Верес О.М. Технології підтримки процесів прийняття рішень: підручник / Верес О.М., Катренко А. В., Пасічник В. В.. – Львів : „Новий світ-2000”, 2018. – 568 с. — (Серія «Комп’ютинґ»)»