Materials of electronic technics

Major: Electronics
Code of subject: 6.171.00.O.012
Credits: 4.00
Department: Department of Electronic Engineering
Lecturer: PhD, Associate Professor Kremer Iryna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know the main stages of the development of electronics; • know the classification of materials for electrical and magnetic properties; • analyze electrophysical properties of conductor, semiconductor and dielectric materials; • to distinguish the nature of superconductivity and superconducting materials; • to analyze the physical processes in dielectrics; • know the classification of magnetic materials and their properties.
Required prior and related subjects: • Mathematical analysis • Physics • Chemistry
Summary of the subject: General information about materials of electronic equipment. Physical processes in conductors and their properties. Conductor materials. Semiconductor materials. Dielectric materials. Magnetic materials. Nanomaterials. Materials for medicine.
Assessment methods and criteria: • laboratory classes (20%) • practical classes (10%) • final test (70%)
Recommended books: 1. З.Ю. Готра, І.Є. Лопатинський, Б.А. Лукіянець, З.М. Микитюк, І.В. Петрович. Фізичні основи електронної техніки: Підручник /; за ред. З.Ю. Готри. - Львів: Видавництво "Бескид Біт", 2004. - 880 с. 2. Теплові процеси в електроніці / Ю.Я. Бобало, В. Вуйцік, З.Ю. Готра, Т. Голець, В. Каліта, В.І. Лозбін, І.С. Романюк; за ред. З.Ю. Готри. – Львів: Ліга-Прес, 2007. – 320 с. (монографія) 3. Мікроелектронні сенсори фізичних величин: Науково-навчальне видання. В 3 томах. Том 3. Книга 1 /Вуйцік В., Готра З.Ю., Готра О.З., Григор’єв В.В., Каліта В., Мельник О.М., Потенцкі Є., Черпак В.В.; За редакцією З.Ю. Готри. – Львів: Ліга-Прес, 2007. – 249 с. 4. Готра З.Ю., Григорчак І.І., Лукіянець Б.А. та ін. Наноелектроніка: Науково-навчальне видання. – Львів: Ліга-Прес, 2009. – 360 с. 5. Готра З.Ю. Технологія електронної техніки: підручник для вузів. – Львів: Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», в 2-ох т., 2009. – 888с. 6. Готра З.Ю., Григорчак І.І., Лукіянець Б.А. та ін. Наноелектроніка: Науково-навчальне видання. – Львів: Ліга-Прес, 2009. – 360 с.

Materials of electronic technics (курсова робота)

Major: Electronics
Code of subject: 6.171.00.O.015
Credits: 2.00
Department: Department of Electronic Engineering
Lecturer: PhD, Associate Professor Kremer Iryna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - To acquire knowledge about the influence of chemical composition, structure, manufacturing and processing technology on the properties of materials and electronics products; - mastering knowledge about the dependence of material properties on external factors; - acquaintance with classifications of materials on various criteria; - acquisition of knowledge about typical applications of materials in electronics and the ability to choose the right material for practical use; - to develop skills in measuring the physical and technical characteristics of materials and testing and research of materials; - acquisition of knowledge about the structure, types of structures and purposes of the main types of passive electronic components; - acquaintance with the basic technical characteristics and features of application of electronic components; - mastering the classification, symbols and marking of electronic components; development of the ability to apply this knowledge in the operation and design of equipment; - acquisition of knowledge about the influence of external factors on the characteristics of components and the ability to take into account this influence, or provide the necessary means of protection when designing electronic devices.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Physics. Chemistry. Co-requisites: Physical basics of electronics. Functional electronics.
Summary of the subject: The course work is designed to acquire knowledge about the structure, structure and properties of materials, as well as the main processes that occur in the material under the influence of external factors to develop the ability to choose materials and use it according to purpose and properties; acquiring general knowledge of the most used electronic components. Stages of course work: 1. Acquaintance with the task, methodology of the course project (course work) and clarification of the variant of the task 2. Analysis of literature sources for writing the theoretical part of the course work. 3. Analysis of the calculation part. 4. Design the theoretical part to do. 5. Registration of the settlement part of the work. Analysis of the obtained results. 6. Defense of course work.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control in the form of inspection by the teacher of parts of the course work in accordance with the description of the stages of the course work. 2. Final control in the form of defense of course work. Current control (40%). Checking the text and graphics of the course work (20%). Defense of term paper (40%).
Recommended books: 1. Методичні вказівки до виконання курсової роботи студентами першого (бакалаврського) рівня освіти спеціальності 171 «Електроніка» з дисципліни «Матеріали електронної техніки». 2. Готра З.Ю. Технологія електронної техніки: підручник для вузів. – Львів: Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», в 2-ох т., 2009. – 888с. 3. З.Ю. Готра, І.Є. Лопатинський, Б.А. Лукіянець, З.М. Микитюк, І.В. Петрович Фізичні основи електронної техніки: Підручник /; за ред. З.Ю. Готри. - Львів: Видавництво "Бескид Біт", 2004. - 880 с. 4. Готра З.Ю., Григорчак І.І., Лукіянець Б.А. та ін. Наноелектроніка: Науково-навчальне видання. – Львів: Ліга-Прес, 2009. – 360 с.