Проєкт технології виробництва декаметоксину

Автор: Татіашвілі Ліліана Миколаївна
Кваліфікаційний рівень: магістр
Спеціальність: Фармація, промислова фармація
Інститут: Інститут хімії та хімічних технологій
Форма навчання: заочна
Навчальний рік: 2023-2024 н.р.
Мова захисту: українська
Анотація: Rozuvan Yu.V.; Zayarniuk N.L.(supervisor). "Project for the production of suppositories with Atropa belladonna extract with a capacity of 100 t/year." Master`s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2023. The master’s thesis presents a project for the production of suppositories with Atropa belladonna extract with a capacity of 100 t/year. The main raw material - the extract of the beauty plant - was considered and characterized, and the properties and application of this substance were also considered.On the basis of material calculations technological calculations for the set production capacity were carried out, and also the basic technological scheme of production was developed, the standard production equipment for each of seven stages is selected. The economic part of the calculations takes into account all the material costs to obtain 1 ton of finished product. Also in the work the parameters of the main device are given and thermal calculations are carried out, the amount of heat which needs to be brought to the device is defined. The project shows a graphic part, which includes: technological scheme, drawing of the reactor, plan of the production plant.