Analysis of speed of movement and vehicle queue length before intersections in different road and traffic conditions

Students Name: Tkachuk Valentyna Vitaliivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Traffic Control and Organization
Institute: Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Tkachuk V.V., Kovalyshyn V.V. (supervisor). Analysis of speed of movement and vehicle queue length before intersections in different road and traffic conditions. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract. The growth of the number of vehicles on the street and road network of the city of Lviv leads to a number of problems related to the organization and regulation of traffic. This is especially felt in the central part of the city with dense buildings. Intensive filling in such places with constant geometric and planning parameters led to the formation of congestion and, accordingly, delays of vehicles before intersections (especially regulated). All this is also influenced by factors that have a significant negative impact on the movement process. The aim was to investigate how traffic conditions affect the change in the length of the queue of cars (especially at complex regulated intersections in Lviv). There are many factors that affect the length of a car queue in front of an intersection. Among the main ones are: the duration of the green (permitting signal) in the total duration of the traffic light cycle, the composition of the traffic flow, the intensity, the parameters of the intersection and the condition of the road surface. Speed is the most important parameter for traffic flow. It has the greatest impact on traffic safety and determines road productivity. On the roads at the same time the movement of many similar cars, differing in technical condition and their load. These cars are driven by drivers of different ages, different qualifications, who have certain individual characteristics of driving, and cars are guided by more or less free will of the driver, the maneuvers of each of the cars can be considered as probable events. However, in cases that occur on the streets of large cities or on the highway, it is very often possible to observe a large number of cars moving in a group, subject to the necessary requirements set by specific conditions specific to a particular set of vehicles moving on a particular section of road. movement. The set of cars that move on the roads create traffic flows. The traffic flow moving on the road network consists of many cars that have different starting and ending points. In each traffic flow there is an interaction between cars: - the intervals between cars which size depends on speed of movement, individual features of the driver and road conditions are established; - overtaking vehicles traveling at a lower speed, vehicles moving at a higher speed; - cars are braked and stopped when there are traffic jams. The object of research is the intersection of Shevchenko - Yaroslav the Wise - Pstrak streets and the intersection of Shevchenko - Lewandowska streets. At each of the intersections, field studies were conducted, which were used to collect the primary indicators: intensity, flow composition, density and speed. Intersections were selected with unsatisfactory condition of the road surface in the main direction in order to determine the impact of uneven road surface on traffic flow. The subject of the research is the regularities of changes in the length of car queues and their speed before and in the area of regulated intersections depending on the unevenness of the road surface. Research methods. Probability theories and mathematical statistics. Simulation using VISSIM software to study controlled intersections and determine the length of car queues and their speeds. Based on the obtained data (field research) it is planned to simulate the operation of intersections in the software environment "PTV VISSIM 8" in the current state. It is necessary to investigate the change in the length of the queue of cars in front of the intersection and the speed of the intersection from the condition of the road surface in the intersection area. Then tabular data will be collected, graphs will be constructed and conclusions will be made about the change of the initial indicators of the traffic flow characteristic depending on the unevenness of the road surface. Keywords - intersection, speed, queue length. References. 1. Babkov V.F. Dorozhnыe uslovyia y bezopasnost dvyzhenyia: Uchebnoe posobye dlia VUZov.– M.: Transport, 1982.– 288 s.]. 2. Bezborodova H. B., Halushko V. H. Modelyrovanye dvyzhenyia avtomobylia. Kyev, Vyshcha shkola, 1978. 168 s 3. Kotyk M. A. Kratkyi kurs ynzhenernoi psykholohy / M. A. Kotyk. – Tallyn : Valhus, 1971. – 308 s. 4. Lomov B.F. Chelovek y tekhnyka. Ocherky ynzhenernoi psykholohy. M., Sovetskoe radyo. 1966, 461s 5. Lobanov E. M. 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