Automated electric drive of coil spiral winding machinery
Students Name: Prokip Sviatoslav Vasylovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Electromechanical Automation Systems and Electric Drive
Institute: Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Prokip S.V., Maliar A.V. (supervisor)Automated electric drive of coil spiral winding machinery. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract. The first section of the explanatory note discusses the technology of manufacture and use of cardboard tube. The analysis of the general condition of the pulp and paper industry is carried out. An overview of a similar mechanism for making paper tube is given. Description of the process of making cardboard tube by the investigated mechanism. The process of forming a cardboard coil is considered in detail. The general parameters of the machine of coil-spiral winding of cardboard tapes are given. The substantiation of research of the machine of a coil of spiral winding is given and its shortcomings are resulted, namely control of speed from change of diameter of a cardboard coil. A solution to the problem of speed control is proposed. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the change in the speed of the drive as a function of the radius of the cardboard coil. The advantages of using an optical sensor cardboard coil thickness sensor in existing systems, the main tasks of which are continuous measurement of cardboard spool thickness, are presented. In the second section the basic requirements of the working mechanism are resulted, the choice of the engine and calculation and construction of family of mechanical characteristics is carried out. For correct operation of the drive the choice of the frequency converter is carried out and the scheme of its connection with addition of the optical sensor of thickness is resulted. In the third section the simulation of the investigated electric drive is carried out. The parameters of the electric drive are calculated. Current and speed circuit regulators are synthesized. The modeling of nominal operating modes and emergency modes is carried out, the research results are given in the form of graphs of transients. Study object – the process of making cardboard coil. Scope of research –Automated electric drive of coil spiral winding machinery. Goal of research: improving the electric drive of coil spiral winding machinery by adding an optical thickness sensor. Keywords: optical sensor, cardboard coil,automated electric drive, frequency converter, asynchronous machine. Referenses: 1. Ринок целюлозно-паперової промисловості: сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку, K. Kuznietsova, I. Dyshenka / [електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: 2. Устройство для изготовления труб изленточногоматериала, авторыпатента:Базаев Г. И., Перелюбский А. З., Подкопаев А. А., Шапиро П. И., авторскоесвидетельство. Дополнительное к авт. свнд-ву (22). Заявлено 19.02.79 (21) 2729816/28-12, заявка № (23). Патент. Опубликовано 30.11.1981 3. Кремінь В. Т. Багатофункціональний оптичний давач / В. Т. Кремінь, Є. Г. Міюшкович // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». – 2002. – № 463 : Комп’ютерні системи та мережі. – С. 52–57. – Бібліографія: 6 назв. 4. Електромеханічні системи автоматичного керування та електроприводи / за ред. М. Г. Поповича та Лозинського О. Ю. – К.: Либідь, 2005. – 680 с.