Recommendation system for assessing the financial condition of bank clients

Students Name: Kotsiura Ihor Ivanovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Systems and Methods of Decision Making
Institute: Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Every day, information technologies are developing rapidly, which means that the use of Internet technology is being used more and more. Currently, obtaining loans is very important for people who want to open their own business, but do not have start-up capital. To obtain a loan, the client must first contact a bank branch and fill out a form for submitting a loan application. After that, the application is submitted for consideration for a certain period. The development of a recommendation system for assessing the financial status of bank clients would simplify this process and reduce the time spent by the client. There are many banks that have their own websites[1]. However, there are no services for checking the credit rating[2]. There are many methodologies that are designed to assess creditworthiness, but there is no single scientifically based one [3]. The assessment of creditworthiness itself is based on economic indicators (liquidity, profitability, financial condition and cash flows), the client’s credit reputation (whether there were problems with repaying loans) and the availability of collateral. Therefore, a recommendation system for assessing the financial condition of bank clients is an urgent task. An analytical review of literary sources was carried out, which confirmed the relevance of the development of the system and made it possible to highlight its features. A system analysis of the application was carried out, during which the general goal was determined, divided into sub-goals and specified using a goal tree. To determine the type of alternative system, the analytical hierarchy method was used, which showed that the best type of recommendation system that assesses the financial condition of bank clients is an information and advisory system. At the next stage, we went directly to designing the system. An analysis of requirements and functions was carried out, categories of users were defined and, with the help of UML-diagrams (options of use, states, cooperations, sequences and activities), a conceptual model of the system was built. After the system analysis, the importance of Data Science and Big Data technologies for the system and their decision tree algorithm were briefly described. Popular software tools for implementing server and client parts of sites were also analyzed. For the server part, Python with the Django module was chosen, and for the client - HTML, CSS, JavaScript. The result of the work is a website that is designed for a quick assessment of the financial situation in order to know your prospects in obtaining a loan without leaving your home. All system users will be divided into three types: authorized user, bank employee and system administrator. According to the role of the user, he is provided with various functional capabilities. After the first launch of the website, the user is taken to the authorization page. If the user does not have a profile yet, he can register. After registering, you need to log in to get to the main page with the financial status assessment form. After filling it out, the user receives feedback on whether he can get a loan. The object of the study is the process of assessing the financial condition of bank clients. The assessment of the financial condition is one of the key components for making a decision on granting a loan. The subject of the study is means and methods of developing a recommendation system for assessing the financial condition of bank clients. The purpose of the research is to create software for assessing the financial condition of bank clients. The main tasks of this work are the analysis of factors for issuing a loan, the system analysis of this industry and the formulation of the required functionality, the selection of software tools and the creation of a convenient system. The results of the research are that the system will be useful for people who are interested in getting a loan, but are not completely sure whether they will get it, doubting the strength of their financial condition. This will allow you to save time and get a credit rating without leaving your home. It is worth talking about the administrator separately, since he is a special user of the system who is given special opportunities. It can create new users, create groups with users. Key words: financial condition, assessment of financial condition, creditworthiness, creditworthiness assessment, bank client, recommendation system, software tools. List of used literature sources. 1. List of agent banks 2. Assessment of creditworthiness 3. Creditworthiness assessment methodologies