Research and development of the toolset for the formation of supply chains at Desnytsia, PE in the context of foreign economic operations

Students Name: Vuiek Khrystyna Ihorivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Management
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Vuiek Ch.I., Jurynets` O.V. (supervisor). Research and development of the toolset for the formation of supply chains of Desnytsia, PE in the context of foreign economic operations. Master’s thesis. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2023. Extended abstract. The issue of the development of toolset for the formation of supply chains of Desnytsia, PE in the conditions of foreign economic operations [1, 2] consists in studying the processes of its use and implementation. The relevance of the topic chosen by us is demonstrated by the fact that under the modern, highly dynamic conditions of the external environment and uncertainty for Ukrainian enterprises due to the military actions of the occupying country, political, economic aspects come to the fore, the ability to adapt, flexibility, speed of decision-making when forming enterprise supply chains in conditions of foreign economic transactions [3-5]. The problems are also the improper use by domestic enterprises of potentials for the development of tools for the formation of supply chains in the conditions of foreign economic operations [6-9]. The object of the research is Desnytsia, PE , a toolkit for the formation of supply chains in the conditions of foreign economic transactions. The subject of the study is the processes of forming the toolkit of forming supply chains in the conditions of foreign economic operations. The purpose of the research is research and further development of the toolkit for the formation of supply chains of Desnytsia, PE in the conditions of foreign economic operations. In the master’s qualification work, the problems of development of tools for the formation of supply chains of Desnytsia, PE in the conditions of foreign economic operations are disclosed. The work consists of four sections: theoretical, analytical, research, recommendation. In the first chapter, the literary sources, the legal framework for the problem of development of tools for the formation of supply chains of domestic enterprises in the conditions of foreign economic transactions are reviewed. The supply chain management system is the integration of key business processes (mainly logistics) starting with their end user, covering absolutely all suppliers of goods/services, works, information that add value to end users and stakeholders [6, 7, 8, 10]. The development of tools for the formation of supply chains (supply) of a domestic enterprise under the conditions of its foreign economic operations is an important, extremely relevant legal issue. Therefore, it needs effective regulation. It is clear that today due to russian aggression, it will be extremely difficult to restore supply chains. But even during the war with the enemy, the key directions of supply and sales are being restored. An example is grain transportation. Changing and diversifying the toolkit for forming supply chains for domestic enterprises will contribute to the development of foreign economic operations and increase their efficiency. In the second chapter, a description of the activities of the Desnytsia, PE was carried out. The characteristics of the management system of Desnytsia, PE are given. The diagnosis of production and economic activity, foreign economic activity of Desnytsia, PE was made. In the work, the toolkit for forming supply chains of Desnytsia, PE in the conditions of foreign economic operations is analyzed. Analyzing the dynamics of the development of the toolkit for the formation of supply chains of Desnytsia, PE under the conditions of foreign economic operations, it can be concluded that Desnytsia, PE , using the tools available to it in the formation of supply chains under the conditions of foreign economic operations, exceeded the tolerances in March, April 2022. This is not is strange, since everything is caused by Russia’s war against Ukraine. Most of the chains were generally destroyed by the aggressor. Given that the Desnytsia, PE operates in the Lviv region, the supply logistics cycle has been normalized since May. When developing the toolkit for the formation of supply chains of Desnytsia, PE in the context of foreign economic operations, the organization constantly encounters the following problems: 1. Application of Desnytsia, PE in the conditions of foreign economic operations of inefficient information tools in the formation of supply chains. 2. Limitation of the use of synergistic effects in the formation of supply chains of Desnytsia, PE in the conditions of foreign economic operations. Ways to increase the profitability of the equity of Desnytsia, PE and further development of the toolkit for the formation of supply chains of Desnytsia, PE in the context of foreign economic operations are proposed to be carried out by: In the paper, a two-element project of a comprehensive measure is proposed. 1. Development and implementation of a model of strategic optimization of information technology tools for the formation of supply chains of Desnytsia, PE in the conditions of foreign economic operations 2. Restructuring of the supply chain of Desnytsia, PE in the context of foreign economic operations in the context of the development of its emergent properties with the use of modern tools for the implementation of logistics processes. Implementation of the recommended measures will contribute to the development of tools for the formation of supply chains of Desnytsia, PE in the context of foreign economic transactions. The introduction of a comprehensive measure in 2023 at Desnytsia, PE will contribute to the reduction of costs (full cost) compared to 2022 and the achievement of a strategic indicator - return on equity of production + 2.1% from the value for 2022. Keywords: logistics, supply chain, strategy, supply, sales, transportation, restructuring. REFERENCES 1. Kuzmin, O., Zhyhalo, O., Doroshkevych, K., Maslak, O. (2020). An integral method of evaluating the innovative capacity of enterprises. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, 31(4), pp. 637–646 2. Kuzmin, O.Y., Stanasiuk, N.S., Yastrubskyi, M.Y., Mohylevska, O.Y., Artiushok, V.S. (2020). Industrial potential: Assessment, modeling and administration under the condition. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, (6), pp. 128–135. 3. Shpak, N., Kuzmin, O., Melnyk, O., Ruda, M., Sroka, W. (2020). Implementation of a circular economy in Ukraine: The context of European integration. 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