Research and development of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring information security at MARLIN 2021, LLC in the context of foreign economic activity intensification

Students Name: Peshko Maksym Ihorovych
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Management
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Peshko M., Didyk A. (supervisior). Research and development of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring information security of MARLIN 2021 LLС in conditions of intensification of foreign economic activity. Master’s qualification thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2023. Extended abstract The development and active growth of foreign economic operations creates a great need for the development of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring information security both on the domestic and foreign markets. Today, in the conditions of market relations, every enterprise must focus not only on ensuring the efficiency of economic processes, but also on the implementation and development of management systems and mechanisms that are able to quickly respond to changing conditions and adverse challenges of the external environment. In the modern economic and information space, underestimation of the role of information security and its importance in the enterprise management system makes it sensitive to various internal and external factors that can negatively affect the enterprise and, ultimately, can lead to the emergence of a complex of new problems. The presence of a large part of information in electronic form, the use of local and global networks create completely new types of threats to confidential information, which the company has never dealt with and, accordingly, does not know how to solve it. Based on this, in modern business conditions, the problem of information security is relevant, in particular, the formation of an effective and reliable organizational and economic mechanism for its provision in the conditions of the development of foreign economic activity. The object of the research is MARLIN 2021 LLC. The subject of the study is the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring information security of MARLIN 2021 LLС in the conditions of intensification of foreign economic activity. The purpose of the study is to develop measures for the development of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring information security of MARLIN 2021 LLC in the context of the activation of foreign economic activity. MARLIN 2021 LLC works in the field of processing and canning of fish, crustaceans and molluscs. The enterprise is managed by its owner alone. The business entity applies the general taxation system. To ensure effective coordination of all four departments of the enterprise, a linear organizational management structure was chosen. The total number of employees of the company is 80 people. MARLIN 2021 LLC sells its products to both individuals and legal entities. Accordingly, all products of this company are sold wholesale and retail and are presented in a large assortment in the cities of Western Ukraine. It is worth paying attention to the policy and product range of MARLIN 2021 LLC. In this context, the following should be noted: MARLIN 2021 LLC is one of the most powerful meat chains in the Lviv region; for more than 3 years of work on the market, the company MARLIN 2021 LLC has won the trust and affection of a considerable number of customers, because the products are always fresh, tasty and natural; the range of MARLIN 2021 LLC includes more than 150 types of meat products, including pork, chicken, veal, lamb, rabbit, turkey, goose and duck; the company MARLIN 2021 LLC knows how important quality is, so all products undergo certification in accordance with current legislation. MARLIN 2021 LLC is always on the lookout for full nutrition of Ukrainians. Analysis of economic and foreign economic activities of MARLIN 2021 LLC showed that increasing trust among customers allows the company to move forward and increase the amount of income. The main factors of the company’s revenue growth can be considered a decrease in the cost price (by 5%) and an increase in the number of customers. The analyzed indicators of the financial condition of MARLIN 2021 LLC for the period 2019-2022 record that the financial condition is positive and does not carry risks of destabilization despite the state of war and the dangerous situation in the state. Despite all the positive aspects of the operation of MARLIN 2021 LLC, during the research and analysis of the available information, several problems related to the development of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring information security were identified, namely: 1. Fragmentary understanding of the constituent elements of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring information security of MARLIN 2021 LLC in the conditions of intensification of foreign economic activity. 2. Irregularity of actions on the technical protection of information systems of MARLIN 2021 LLC within the organizational and economic mechanism of ensuring information security in the conditions of intensification of foreign economic activity. In order to solve the identified problems in the course of the work, measures were proposed to develop the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the information security of MARLIN 2021 LLC in the conditions of the intensification of foreign economic activity, namely: 1. Structuring of the elements of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring information security of MARLIN 2021 LLC in the conditions of the activation of foreign economic activity. 2. Determination of directions for technical protection of information systems of MARLIN 2021 LLC within the organizational and economic mechanism of ensuring information security in the conditions of intensification of foreign economic activity. The implementation of the proposed project solutions will allow MARLIN 2021 LLC to achieve the strategic indicator set in the task - an increase in the return on capital of the products sold by 2.5%. Keywords: information security, technologies, organizational and economic mechanism, information security policy. References 1. Cveticanin, N. (2023). Phishing Statistics & How to Avoid Taking the Bait. 15-23 pp. 2. Yevseiev, S. et al. (2023). Development of the concept for determining the level of critical business processes security. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1 (9 (121), 21-40. 3. Samoilenko, Yu., Britchenko, I., Levchenko, Ia., Losonczi, P., Bilichenko, O., & Bodnar, O. (2022). 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