Research and justification of directions for improving the marketing activities of an enterprise providing medical services (on the example of the medical center "VeroMed")

Students Name: Hapii Mariana Petrivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: In the modern 21st century, there is no need to convince people of the importance of the service component in any field of activity. However, the transition from theoretical understanding to concrete implementation can be difficult and require effort. A revolution in the field of service does not just mean improvement, but also a change of paradigm. The Ukrainian market of medical services is undergoing significant changes due to reforming the health care system. Medical services are basic and most popular among the population, as every person has used them at least once in his life. Given that medical services are related to the protection of life and health, they are extremely important values. Study object – the process of improving the marketing activity of the entrepreneur Oleh Myslovych on the example of the private medical institution «VeroMed». Scope of research – theoretical and practical approaches to the use of the principles of medical marketing in the activities of enterprises in the field of service provision. Goal of research: analysis of the current state of marketing activities of enterprises in the field of medical services, identification of potential problems and challenges faced by enterprises in the field of medical services, development of recommendations and strategies for improving marketing activities, performance of risk analysis and assessment of potential obstacles and practical testing of the proposed strategies in practice. The research findings. Theoretical studies in the field of medical marketing aimed at improving the quality of the provision of medical services were carried out, the state of the medical industry structure in Ukraine was analyzed, the current state of the company’s activity in the field of medicine was studied, the research was carried out and the needs and expectations of clients were identified, the peculiarities of the promotion of medical services among clients were studied, a study of the level of awareness of the population regarding the importance of health status was conducted and methods of improving the quality of services provided in a health care institution were developed using medical marketing tools. In order to study the theoretical basis for improving marketing activities in a medical institution, an analysis of the research of scientists on this topic was carried out. For this, sources [1-5] were used as a basis for obtaining scientific data and understanding previously conducted research on the use of service marketing to improve the quality of medical services. This analysis made it possible to get acquainted with the views and conclusions of other scientists in this field, as well as to use their results to create a theoretical basis for research, as well as to study the main concepts and strategies of marketing that can be applied to improve the quality of medical services in a medical institution. As a result, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. In the context of the medical field, enterprises that provide medical services, interact with customers, medical personnel, suppliers, insurance companies and other parties, can be considered as a socio-economic system. They function within the framework of economic laws, work with the goal of obtaining profit and creating a stable financial foundation. At the same time, these enterprises play a social role, providing important medical services to ensure the health and well-being of the population. They can contribute to improving the quality of life, disease prevention, rehabilitation and patient support. Thus, enterprises in the field of medical services have a dual nature, combining economic activity with social responsibility [3]. 2. The client is the most important in the interaction system, and the goal of the service provision process is to satisfy his needs. The customer’s assessment of the quality of the service, his satisfaction and the decision to repeat the purchase depend on the perception of the service provision process, the performer, the physical environment and the delivery system. Service personnel is the second element of the service delivery system. The service employee acts as the face of the company, his words and actions reflect the organization’s policy. The actions of the employee and the quality of the service also depend on the delivery system and the physical environment of the enterprise [1]. 3. For enterprises in the field of medical services, marketing has its own characteristics, compared to other branches of business. The main feature is that medical services primarily focus on their humanitarian component - people’s health. The main goal of medical marketing is to ensure the maximum quality and safety of services, satisfy the needs of patients and build trust in the medical institution. To achieve these goals, medical institutions use marketing strategies aimed at communicating with patients, providing information about medical services, raising awareness of the professional competence of medical workers, and creating a positive image. However, medical marketing must adhere to ethical and professional standards, take into account the confidentiality of patients and comply with the requirements of legislation in the field of health care [4]. 4. In medical institutions, it is important to ensure high quality of service, because poor quality of services can have serious consequences for patients, such as incorrect diagnoses, ineffective treatment and the possibility of harming their health. Quality of care includes several important aspects, including accurate diagnoses, effective treatment, patient safety, clear and timely communication with them, and compassion and empathy [2]. 5. Client-oriented business concept: firstly, it is focused on an individualized approach to each client of a private medical institution; secondly, it requires constant improvement of the quality and level of service, development of new elements of service taking into account the requirements of time. To successfully implement a customer-oriented business concept, enterprises need to research the needs and desires of their customers, study the market and competitors, improve products and services taking into account the needs of customers, maintain high quality of service and interactions with customers. A customer-oriented business concept helps to increase customer loyalty, attract new customers and increase the profits of enterprises [5]. Key words: health care institutions, medical marketing, service marketing, digitalization of the medical field, client-oriented concept References. 1. Dovhun? O.S., Mashchak N.M. Zmina spozhyvchoyi povedinky v umovakh novoyi real?nosti. Suchasnyy marketynh: trendy, innovatsiyi, instrumenty: kolektyvna monohrafiya / za nauk. red. Romata YE.V., Smerichevs?koho S.F. 2021. S. 287-297. 2. Lehan I. , Krykun O . Rynok pryvatnoyi medytsyny Ukrayiny. Osoblyvosti rehulyuvannya ta napryamy rozvytku. Ternopil?: TNTU im. I. Pulyuya, 2020. 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