Justification of the competitiveness strategy of the telecommunications company under the crisis conditions

Students Name: Shevchyk Khrystyna Mykolaivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Business Economics
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Shevchyk Kh.M., Mrykhina O.B. (supervisor). The substantiation of the strategy of competitiveness of the communication enterprise in conditions of crisis (on the example of Vodafone Ukraine). Master’s qualification thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. Extended abstract. Increased competition in the business sector has led to an increased role of strategic planning of corporate development. Intense competition forces organizations to respond to rapid changes in the situation, not only focusing on the internal state of the company, but also developing long-term strategies that will allow them to keep up with the changes taking place in the external environment. A strategy is a decision plan in an organization that shows goals and reduces key risks in achieving those goals. Both abroad and in Ukraine, in the economic literature you can find three levels at which strategies are usually used: corporate, business and functional levels [1-2]. For comparison, the experience of the Southeast European market (SEE), where a significant share (which varies from 5% and 25% depending on the relevant market), is occupied by mobile virtual network operators (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) (MVNO) - companies that function as mobile operators do not have their own frequency spectrum distribution or the necessary network infrastructure. Focusing on providing differentiated services at lower prices, these operators expand both price competitiveness and average revenue per user in the field of mobile communications, which has shown a downward trend in recent years [3]. At that time, the development of the Ukrainian telecommunications market is characterized, first of all, by the fact that price competition fades into the background in favor of innovation and diversification of the packages of services offered by telecom operators. The main players in the market of mobile communication services in Ukraine are Kyivstar, Vodafone Ukraine and Lifesell [4-5]. However, a significant obstacle to the development of communications enterprises was the crisis conditions that have developed in Ukraine over the period of 2020-2022 years. Thus, the outbreak of COVID-19 had a slight impact on their activities, because most of the consequences were associated with the change in roaming customers due to the war with the Russian Federation and a decrease in retail sales in stores. The main problems of development of telecommunication markets in 2021-2022 were organizational and technological problems of functioning of telecommunication networks in temporarily occupied territories, and provision of telecommunication services to Ukrainian citizens in these territories [5]. The object of the study is the process of substantiating the strategy of competitiveness of the communication enterprise (in conditions of crisis). The subject of research is theoretical-methodical and applied bases of substantiation of the strategy of competitiveness of the communication enterprise in conditions of crisis (on the example of Vodafone Ukraine). Purpose of the study: to substantiate the strategy of competitiveness of the communication enterprise in a crisis (on the example of Vodafone Ukraine). Results of the research. This paper considers theoretical, methodical and applied bases of formation of strategies of competitiveness of communication enterprises and peculiarities of their formation under crisis conditions. The experience of the countries of South-Eastern Europe in the choice of strategies for the development of communication enterprises is investigated. The preconditions of formation of competitiveness strategy including results of production and economic activity of enterprise are also analyzed. The market share of the enterprise and the factors of formation of the competitiveness strategy are estimated. Given the crisis conditions, strategies of competitiveness of mobile operators of Ukraine according to the method of SPACE-analysis have been formed. At the final stage, the author matrix method of SWOT analysis was used to determine the strategy of enterprise competitiveness. Strategies of competitiveness of Vodafone Ukraine have been formed and recommendations on its further development have been developed. Keywords: strategy, competitiveness, crisis conditions, portfolio analysis, matrix methods References. 1. Залуцька Х.Я. Стратегія підприємства: навчальний посібник / Х.Я. Залуцька – Львів : Видавництво «Растр-7», 2017. – 258 с. 2. What is a Business Strategy? And how to develop one! URL: https://www.imd.org/reflections/business-strategy/3. Білозьорова Н.А., Тітов О.А. Компетентнісний підхід до оцінки персоналу/ Н.А. Білозьорова, О.А. Тітов //Решетнікові читання. – 2010. – Т.2. - №14 3. 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