Research and development of product export in conditions of deepening international cooperation Ukrainian and Czech production enterprises

Students Name: Balitskyi Dmytro Ihorovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: International Business
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: Crisis phenomena in the economy, as well as in the global economic space, force the management of enterprises to pay more attention to the research and development of export products. Limited resources, their low quality and high prices on the domestic market force enterprises to enter foreign markets. In this regard, there is a need to study the peculiarities of the development of export of products in the conditions of deepening international cooperation of Ukrainian and Czech manufacturing enterprises in order to effectively sell manufactured products to sales markets. The purpose of this work was to study the peculiarities of the development of export of products in the conditions of deepening international cooperation of Ukrainian and Czech manufacturing enterprises, to analyze the international economic relations between the two countries, and to introduce comprehensive measures to increase the net income of the selected enterprise. The object of the study is PJSC "Dobra Voda". The subject of the study is the peculiarities of research and development of export of products in the conditions of deepening international cooperation of Ukrainian and Czech manufacturing enterprises. The task of the work consists in getting acquainted with the scientific literature and the legislative base on the issues of product export, analyzing the international cooperation of countries, researching the activities of PJSC "Dobra Voda", developing recommendations for the development of product export. According to scientists, increasing the export potential and developing export activity is a strategically significant task in improving the activities of domestic large and medium-sized enterprises, because it becomes a powerful tool for activating the competitive advantages of subjects of economic activity. (Homych O., 2022) In her work (Amirbekova A., 2022) came to the conclusion that export potential is a category with complex qualitative conditions, therefore, when determining its nature, it is necessary to rely on other specific parameters. In addition to the above-mentioned definitions, other characteristics of export potential can be considered, such as: a complex multifaceted phenomenon, which appears when simultaneously perceived as an "indicator", "process", "behavior" and quantitative characteristics of economic parameters, economic development. The analytical part presents the results of international economic cooperation between Ukraine and the Czech Republic, provides an analysis of the state and dynamics of international economic relations between Ukraine and the Czech Republic regarding trade in soft drinks. In chapter 3, the research part, the main economic indicators of PJSC "Dobra Voda" activity are considered. Research was also conducted on the development of export of products in the conditions of in-depth cooperation with Czech manufacturing enterprises. The recommendation part includes the substantiation of measures for the development of export of Dobra Voda PJSC products. Chapter 4 provides recommendations for increasing export of products in the context of deepening international cooperation of Ukrainian and Czech manufacturing enterprises. In addition to the above, a calculation of the impact of the recommendations on the economic indicators of the enterprise is presented. Savings on contingent and fixed costs arising as a result of the increase in the volume of sales are determined. Key words: cooperation, export, expansion, enterprises, export potential.