Research and justification of directions for communication activity improvement at "LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL" Ltd using Internet marketing tools

Students Name: Khamandiak Serhii-Stepan
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Internet-Marketing
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: In the last one and a half to two decades, one of the main factors accelerating the formation and development of the information society is the Internet. It has become not only a global means of communication without territorial and national borders, but also an effective tool for conducting business, research, and influencing the audience [1]. Traditional approaches and methods of conducting marketing communication activities, which are used by enterprises in conventional mass media, lose their effectiveness in the Internet [2]. Today, the trend of migration and transformation of traditional mass media into the online environment remains stable, and the network itself already performs the function of an independent integration system of both social and marketing communications. New forms and categories have appeared, among which Internet marketing communications deserve the most attention [3]. Not all enterprises are aware of the benefits of using modern interactive technologies, are not ready to transition to the use of marketing digital communication channels, and are still not ready to adapt to the new conditions of global digitalization. Many marketers do not understand the differences and peculiarities of Internet marketing and digital marketing as new categories of scientific circulation. We should not neglect the fact that digitization processes are gaining momentum [4]. Websites as intermediaries that attract the attention of consumers, allow organizations to combine such opportunities as publishing information, communication and promotion [5]. Modern trends in the field of marketing focus on qualitatively new opportunities that the Internet and progressive electronic technologies provide to both the entrepreneur and the buyer. The rapid informatization of society, the rapid development of state-of-the-art electronic business tools, the expansion and emergence of new sales markets and opportunities for easy access to them impose a serious responsibility on marketers and business managers, on the one hand, and provide a chance, on the other hand, to obtain significant competitive advantages and bringing the business to a more profitable level of existence [6] The effective use of digital technologies with the formation of a loyal audience and the spread of positive information about oneself becomes an important factor not just for prosperity, but also for survival in the new conditions of reality [7]. The object of the study is to improve the communication activities of «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltd using Internet marketing tools. The subject of the study is the methodological aspects of the development of general measures of marketing activity of «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltd on the basis of Internet marketing tools. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the areas of improvement of the communication activities of «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltdusing Internet marketing tools. Results of the research. Features and differences of Internet marketing from traditional marketing are revealed. The tools of Internet marketing as a component of the management system of communication activities of enterprises are analyzed and systematized. The main indicators of evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities on the Internet are considered. Analyzedproduction and economic activity of «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltd . The components of the marketing complex and marketing communication activity of «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltd were considered. An analysis of the recreational services market of Truskavets was carried out. «Portrait of the consumer» «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltd was created.Structuredproblemsimplementation of communication activities of «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltd. Current communication channels on the Internet for consumers of «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltd have been determined. The priority directions for improving the communication activities of «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltd on the Internet are substantiated. A set of Internet marketing tools, which are implemented in the communication activities of «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltd , has been created and described. Proposed functionality to implement all proposed Internet marketing tools. An evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of Internet marketing measures at «LISOVA PISNYA APART-HOTEL» Ltd was carried out. 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