Features of the development of medical complexes with enhanced anti-pandemic performance.

Students Name: Yevchuk Maksym Valentynovych
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Architecture and Town Planning
Institute: Institute of Architecture and Design
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic[1], which has had a significant negative impact on global health and the public good, the need to develop and build medical complexes with enhanced anti-pandemic performance has become urgent. This topic is related to the field of medical infrastructure and design, which play a key role in ensuring the safety of patients, medical staff and public health in general. Attention is also focused on the use of green technologies and sustainable construction in medical complexes[3]. This may include energy-efficient lighting, renewable energy sources, efficient waste management, and water supply, which can reduce the environmental impact of healthcare facilities. The research involves analyzing the impact of architectural, engineering, sanitary-epidemiological and organizational factors on the creation of medical complexes with a high level of anti-pandemic safety. The study of the development of medical complexes also includes an analysis of the efficiency and flexibility of the medical care organization system in a pandemic[6]. This means that medical complexes must be prepared for a large-scale increase in demand for medical care, rapid deployment of additional beds and infrastructure, and ensure uninterrupted operation under pandemic pressure. The anti-pandemic operational quality of medical complexes covers a wide range of aspects, including: Design and layout of premises: This includes the optimal location of medical complexes, the creation of separate areas for infectious and non-infectious departments, and the organization of people flows to prevent contact between patients with different diseases. Sanitary and epidemiological standards: Medical complexes must comply with the requirements of sanitary legislation and have effective infection control systems, including ventilation, water supply and sewage systems. Infection control[5]: An important aspect is the development and implementation of strict protocols for disinfection, sterilization and waste management, as well as training of medical staff in proper infection control procedures. Protection of medical staff[2]: Ensuring appropriate working conditions for healthcare staff, including conveniently located work areas, protective equipment, and access to personal protective equipment. Innovative technologies[4]: The use of advanced technologies, such as remote medicine, automated control and monitoring systems, can improve anti-pandemic safety and ensure the efficiency of medical complexes. Object of study: The territory of the Yuriy Lypa Lviv Regional Hospital for War Disabled and Repressed in Vynnyky, Lviv Oblast. Subject of research: Features of the development and construction of medical institutions, including technical, hygienic, medical, organizational and economic aspects. Purpose of the study: To study and improve the practice of building healthcare facilities to ensure the safety of medical staff and patients in the context of pandemics and epidemics. The results of this study may be useful for medical institutions, architects, engineers and design organizations involved in the planning and development of new medical complexes or the modernization of existing ones. The information gathered in this study can help improve the design and construction of medical facilities that meet modern anti-pandemic safety requirements and facilitate a quick and effective response to future pandemic threats. Keywords - medical complexes, anti-pandemic measures, operational qualities, infection control, sanitary and epidemiological standards, protection of medical personnel, innovative technologies in medicine. List of references. 1. Sim, M., Thampi, S. V., Stuart, R. L., & Gurses, A. P. (2020). Interventions to improve hospital patient flow: A systematic review of systematic reviews. BMJ Quality & Safety, 29(4), 278-289. 2. Neufeld, L., Goubran, R., Hashemian, M. S., & Abhari, R. (2020). Smart hospitals: A comprehensive review. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 108, 101937. 3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Interim infection prevention and control recommendations for patients with suspected or confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in healthcare settings. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 4. World Health Organization. (2020). Rational use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and considerations during severe shortages: interim guidance, 6 April 2020. World Health Organization. 5. World Health Organization. (2020). Infection prevention and control during health care when COVID-19 is suspected: interim guidance, 19 March 2020. World Health Organization. 6. Debnath, S., & Hawkes, D. (2020). Review of sustainable building design and practice in hospitals. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 120, 109654.