Organization and ecological-economic support of solid waste management processes in rural areas of the Rivne region

Students Name: Omelianova Sofiia Valentynivna
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Environmental Control and Audit
Institute: Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Omelianova S., Sabadash V. (supervisor). Organization and ecological- economic support of solid waste management processes in rural areas of the Rivne region. Master’s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. Extended abstract The master’s qualification work is devoted to the analysis of the state of solid waste management in Ukraine, in particular, in rural areas, to the study of the impact of solid waste landfills on the environment and the health of the population, the calculation of the amount of generated waste for territorial community of Malynsk and the required number of containers for garbage collection. Study object – state of the field of solid waste management in rural areas of the Rivne region. Scope of research – organization and ecological-economic support of solid waste management processes in rural areas of the Rivne region. Goal of research: improvement of the environment in rural areas, as a result of the introduction of an integrated approach to the field of solid waste management and proper disposal or reuse of sorted waste. The state of solid household waste management in Ukraine was investigated and compared with other EU countries. The "National strategy for waste management in Ukraine until 2030" approved by the government aims to implement a systematic approach to waste management at the state and regional levels, reduce the volume of waste generation by increasing the volume of its processing and reuse [1]. In order to implement this strategy, it was decided to divide its implementation into three stages. The following is a description of all three stages of this strategy and the expected results after its implementation. The impact of solid waste landfills on the components of the environment and on the health of the population was analyzed. A significant danger is created by leachates that seep into the ground cover, contaminating aeration zones and groundwater. Salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, as well as chlorides, acidic carbonates, sulfates, etc. enter the environment with filtrates. In addition, bacteria and microorganisms that can cause infectious diseases are stored in waste for a long time[2]. After analyzing data on the impact of chemical and biological ingredients of waste on human health[3], it is possible to conclude that MSW waste has harmful effects on the living organism. The ingredients of these wastes can cause dozens of diseases: disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems, metabolic disorders in the body, etc. It is necessary to pay great attention to solid waste landfills, to monitor compliance with all norms and rules of operation in order to reduce the risk of disasters and their consequences for the population. The state of the field of solid waste management in rural areas was studied, using the example of the territorial community of Malynsk of the Rivne region. It was found that solid waste is handled improperly, there is a lack of garbage containers, and generally there is no system for collecting and removing waste to designated locations. 8 stages of implementation of the system of separate sorting of solid waste were proposed, which include: carrying out educational activities in schools, kindergartens, enterprises of various types in these settlements, implementation of signing contracts on the removal of solid waste by specialized companies for their disposal, control over the residents of the community and preventing the creation of unauthorized landfills, removal, burning and disposal of solid household waste in an arbitrary manner, destruction of unauthorized landfills on the territory of the community, permanent raking of the solid waste landfill, installation of special concreted container sites in all settlements of the community, purchasing more garbage cans and containers for separate waste collection and developing projects that will use innovative technologies for separate waste collection. Calculations have been made regarding the number of garbage containers needed by the community. The results showed that 98 containers for oversized waste and 18 containers for oversized waste are required for full provision. This number of containers is calculated on the fact that their removal will take place 2 times a week. The "Economic part" section has been developed. Keywords: waste, landfill, burial, sorting, leachate, environmental safety. References 1. Waste management reform road map "Community of Rivne without garbage 2030" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: content/uploads/2021/12/%D0%94%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B6% D0%BD%D1%8F-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0- %D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0% BD%D0%BD%D1%8F-%D0%B7- %D0%B2%D1%96%D0%B4%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B C%D0%B8.pdf/. 2. PENDERETSKY O.V. TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION OF INDUSTRIAL TOURISM OF THE CARPATHIAN SOCIO-GEOGRAPHICAL REGION AND THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF ITS IMPROVEMENT [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : 3. Rybalova O.V Waste management: Course of lectures – Kharkiv, 2016 - Access mode: %D0%92%D0%9E%D0%94%D0%96%D0%95%D0%9D%D0%9D%D0%A F%20%D0%97%20%D0%92%D0%86%D0%94%D0%A5%D0%9E%D0%94 %D0%90%D0%9C%D0%98.pdf.