Fire extinguishing organization of OJSC "Voltex" in Lutsk

Students Name: Kohut Denys
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Civil Safety
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Mode of Study: part
Academic Year: 2022-2023 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: Kohut D.A., Peretyatko B.M. (head). Fire extinguishing organization of OJSC "Voltex" in Lutsk. Master’s qualification work. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2022. Extended abstract. Ukraine is a state of Central-Eastern Europe. It occupies the south-west of the East European Plain and part of the Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains. Ukraine stretches 893 kilometers from north to south, 1316 kilometers from west to east. Ukraine is located in moderate latitudes and has access to the Black and Azov seas. The geopolitical situation on the border of Western and Eastern peoples and cultures has had a significant impact on the history and modern development of the state. The Constitution of Ukraine, as the main legislative act of the state, requires executive authorities, heads of enterprises, and structural divisions to ensure healthy and safe working conditions, which are directly expressed in Art. 27 "Every person has an inalienable right to life. The duty of the state is to protect human life." According to experts, about 2 million people die every year on planet Earth as a result of natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes, fires, accidents at work and in everyday life. and several tens of millions of people are injured and poisoned. At the same time, the total (direct and indirect) damage from all these disasters can be determined in approximately 3% of the gross industrial product of the world economy (only the direct damage from fires is 0.25-0.3% of the gross industrial product in all developed countries of the world annually) . More than 7 million fires occur in the world per year. Every year, as a result of fires, 60,000 to 70,000 people die, and more than 6 million people receive burns and injuries. Now it is already obvious that the usual desire of a man for absolute power over nature leads to undesirable consequences. One of them was an increase in the fire hazard of the surrounding environment, due to the appearance of a large number of new, fire-hazardous substances and materials, the introduction of complex, high-temperature, fire-explosive technological processes into production, a high concentration of material values, the growth of the energy supply of natural gas, and the wide use of oil and gas. On June 24, 2004, the President of Ukraine signed the Law of Ukraine "On Legal Principles of Civil Protection" No. 1859-IV. This Law defines the legal and organizational principles in the field of civil protection of the population and territory against emergencies of man-made, natural and military nature, the powers of executive authorities and other management bodies, the procedure for the creation and use of forces, their staffing, completion of service, as well as guarantees of social and legal protection of personnel of civil defense bodies and units. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine is the main (leading) body in the system of central executive bodies in matters of ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of civil protection of the population and territories from man-made and natural emergencies, liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, handling of radioactive waste and industrial explosive materials, rescue work, man-made, fire and industrial safety, occupational health and safety, state mining supervision, creation and functioning of the documentation insurance fund system, as well as hydrometeorological activities. In the first chapter, the relevance of the topic of the master’s qualification work is described and a review of literary sources is carried out. The operational and tactical characteristics of the facility are described in the second section. The third chapter describes the forecasting of the possible situation in the event of a fire in the sewing shop of JSC "Voltex". In the fourth chapter, the parameters of heat exchange and the neutral zone during a fire are calculated. The fifth chapter covers occupational safety during operational operations. The sixth chapter describes the economics of fire safety. Environmental ecology is described in the seventh chapter. Object of research: sewing workshop No. 2 of OJSC "Voltex" in Lutsk. The subject of the study: volumetric planning and engineering solutions of sewing workshop No. 2 of OJSC "Voltex" located in the city of Lutsk, Volyn region. The purpose of the study: forecasting the possible situation in the event of a fire in sewing shop No. 2 of OJSC "Voltex" in Lutsk, developing measures based on forecasting that would increase the effectiveness of fire extinguishing and rescue operations in the event of its occurrence. The fire extinguishing plan, which was developed by the State Emergency Management Department of Ukraine in the Volyn region, ensures the organization of extinguishing a fire in the event of its occurrence in sewing shop No. 2. In this work, the forecasting of the possible situation during a fire in the event of its occurrence in the sewing workshop No. 2 is performed. Namely, in the main room of the shop, which occupies the largest area in the building. On the basis of forecasting the situation, calculations of forces and means for extinguishing fires were made, recommendations were developed for improving the organization of fire extinguishing at OJSC "Voltex" and measures were proposed to improve its fire protection. Thus, thanks to the proposed measures, under the same starting conditions, a three-fold reduction in the area of the fire at the time of its localization is achieved. The annual economic effect of transferring the APS to the central monitoring panel of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Volyn region will be UAH 240,611.9. Key words: fire, fire extinguishing, fire safety, head of fire extinguishing, reconnaissance, fire localization, fire elimination. References. 1. Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine dated 02.10.2012 № 5403-VI. 2. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 26.04.2018 №340 “On approval of the Statute of actions in emergency situations of management bodies and divisions of the Operational and Rescue Service of Civil Defense and the Statute of actions of management bodies and divisions of the Operational and Rescue Service of Civil Protection during firefighting”. 3. Order of the Ministry for Emergencies of Ukraine dated 16.12.2011 №1342 “On approval of the Guidelines for the organization of the gas and smoke protection service in the units of the Operational and Rescue Service of the Civil Defense of the Ministry for Emergencies of Ukraine”. 4. Order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine dated 07.05.2007 №312 “Rules of labor safety in the bodies and departments of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine”. 5. Handbook of fire extinguishing manager. - Kyiv: UkrNDICZ, Litera-Druk LLC, 2016. - 320 p. 6. Radiation safety standards of Ukraine; addition: Radiation protection against potential radiation sources (NRBU-97 / D-2000). 7. Order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine dated 16.12.2011 341341 “On approval of the Methodology for calculating the forces and means of the Ministry for Emergencies of Ukraine required for extinguishing fires in buildings and territories for various purposes”. 8. DSTU EN 2: 2014 "Classification of fires". 9. Order of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine dated 22.12.2011 №863 "On approval of the Instruction on fire fighting at energy facilities of Ukraine". - 2011. 10. State Classifier of Emergencies SC 019 2001.