Ukrainian media market problems in the context of global economy: problems and their causes, trends

Students Name: Dobrianskyi Rostyslav Ihorovych
Qualification Level: magister
Speciality: Journalism
Institute: Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychology and Innovative Education
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2023-2024 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: The study aims to analyze the Ukrainian media market in the context of the global economy from the restoration of independence to the second year of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Research results. Structurally, the media market in Ukraine can be represented as an integral system that includes the following elements: the print media market; the television broadcasting market; the radio broadcasting market; the advertising market; and the new media market. All processes of development and changes in the media space of any country are specific indicators of the state of the economy, democracy, and the state’s development level. After analyzing the conditions of formation and functioning of the Ukrainian media market over the past thirty years, we can state that regulatory factors, the economic situation in the country and the world, the political climate, and the regime are the factors that have the greatest impact on the development and functioning of the media market of our country. Keywords: Ukrainian mediamarket, media market, media economy, market structure, media business, media models List of used literary sources: 1. Hryhorova Z. Fundamentals of media business [Electronic resource] : textbook for students majoring in 073 ”Management” / Z. Hryhorova, O. Sukhorukova, A. Kvasko, L. Shenderivska ; Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. - Electronic text data (1 file: 4.70 MB). 6 2. Hotsur O. Crisis periods of the print media market of Ukraine (2000-2022) [Electronic resource] / O. Hotsur, D. Popil // Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University: Journalism. - 2022: 3. Garus A. Business models of media on the example of Ukrainian online publications of socio-political and economic topics [Electronic resource] / A. Garus, A. Yanitsky // Center for Excellence in Economic Journalism at the Kyiv School of Economics. - 2019: f. 4. Sukhorukova OA Trends in the development of the domestic media industry [Electronic resource] / OA Sukhorukova, ZV Grigorova, AV Kvasko // Problems of a systematic approach to the economy. - 2023: 5. Conceptualization of the digital media market in the context of the world economy [Electronic resource] / O. Pryiatelchuk, A. Bekh // Actual problems of international relations. 2020 - Access to the resource: file:///C:/Users/TsMedTeh/Downloads/3752-Article%20Text-13834-1-10-20 201017.pdf. 6. Habyuk O. Conceptual foundations of the media economy: monogarphy / O. Habyuk. - Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2012. 180 p.