Diplomas directory

Title Author Qualification Level Academic Year Speciality Institute
6376 The thermal scheme improvement of the 300 MW power unit to increase its efficiency. Maslii Ivan Romanovych magister 2023-2024 Heat and Power Engineering IPEC
6377 The Ukrainian passenger cars market research аnd marketing activities еnhancement at Service Center Diamant Ltd using digital marketing tools Kosar Oleh Ihorovych master (ESP) 2023-2024 Marketing IEM
6378 The use of a complex automated traffic management system as a means of reducing fuel consumption and emissions of heavy-duty vehicles Nesteruk Dmytro Ivanovych magister 2023-2024 Motor Vehicle Transport IMET
6379 The use of cloud technologies in quality management systems Lagun Yaroslav Andriiovych magister 2023-2024 Quality, Standardization and Certification ICTA
6380 Thermodiagnosis of Cancer at Early Stages Vynnyk Diana Vasylivna magister 2023-2024 Computerized Control Systems and Automatics ICTA
6381 Thermoplastic composites of polyethylene with wood flour Kuzminskyi Yaroslav Ihorovych magister 2023-2024 Chemical Technologies of Polymeric and Composite Materials Processing ICCT
6382 Three-phase asynchronous motor with increased performance in single-phase mode Romanyshyn Nazarii Mykhailovych magister 2023-2024 Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics IPEC
6383 Tik-tok as a component of journalistic communication Bakaliar Yuliana Ivanivna magister 2023-2024 Journalism IJPS
6384 To design a technological part of the project of a plant manufacturing ceramic stone КFL-4,42 NF-М150-1300-F75-1 DSТU B.V.2.7-612008 (EN 771-1:2003) with the capacity of 22 million items per year based on ceramic masses using white-burning clays Kaminetskyi Markiian Yuriiovych magister 2023-2024 Chemical Technologies of Refractory Non-metallic and Silicate Materials ICCT
6385 To design a technological part of the project of a plant manufacturing dark green containerі for champagne wines with the capacity of 18,4 million items per year Stelmanchuk Tetiana Ivanivna magister 2023-2024 Chemical Technologies of Refractory Non-metallic and Silicate Materials ICCT
6386 To design a technological part of the project of a plant manufacturing glass tubes by horizontal drawing with the capacity of 105 million running m per year Hladko Dmytro Oleksiiovych magister 2023-2024 Chemical Technologies of Refractory Non-metallic and Silicate Materials ICCT
6387 To design a technological part of the project of a plant manufacturing medical discoloured containers with the capacity of 250 million items per year Vdovychenko Oleh Ihorovych magister 2023-2024 Chemical Technologies of Refractory Non-metallic and Silicate Materials ICCT
6388 To design a technological part of the project of a plant manufacturing suspended high-voltage insulators made of tempered glass with the capacity of 3 million items per year Hlukhanenko Yevhenii Yuriiovych magister 2023-2024 Chemical Technologies of Refractory Non-metallic and Silicate Materials ICCT
6389 Topographic and geodetic works to meet the production needs of the tram depot Honcharov Maksym magister 2023-2024 Space Geodesy IGDG
6390 Traffic light control system at a T-intersection using the EASY-NET information network Tsimko Oleh Olehovych magister 2023-2024 Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics IPEC