Social work Social work
Qualification awarded: Philosophy Doctor degree of Social Work
Entry year: 2023
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Department of Doctoral and Post-graduate studies
Number of credits: 43 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 8 (Third cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 8)
Field(s) of study: Social work
Specific admission requirements: Entrance exam in specialty 231 "Social work"
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: Provided that the previous level was obtained in another country, nostrification is required, which is carried out by Lviv Polytechnic. There are no mechanisms for recognizing non-formal and informal education.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Execution of an individual curriculum according to the educational and scientific program and defense of the dissertation
Characteristics of the educational program: The purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified scientists in the field of science and practice of social work on the basis of a deep understanding of the debatable issues of social development and the role of social work in it; formation of the ability to solve complex problems on the basis of gaining experience of high-level scientific internship in an interdisciplinary environment.
Програмні результати навчання: PH01. Solve complex problems on the basis of a systematic scientific worldview, a common outlook; adhere to the principles of academic integrity and professionalism
PH02. Develop and implement scientific and / or innovative projects that provide an opportunity to rethink existing and create new holistic knowledge and / or professional practice and solve significant scientific problems of social work.
PH03. Work in an international context, including participation in international professional and scientific events; understand and produce foreign scientific texts; communicate abroad
language both orally and in writing.
PH04. Apply concepts, historical heritage and modern theoretical and methodological achievements in the field of social work.
PH05. Use modern electronic information resources, specialized software in scientific and educational activities for modeling processes and making optimal decisions in the field of social work.
PH06. Have advanced conceptual and methodological knowledge in the field of social work and at the boundaries of subject areas, as well as research skills sufficient to conduct scientific and
applied research at the level of the latest world achievements; critically analyze the results of their own research and the results of other researchers in the context of the whole set of modern knowledge about the research problem.
РН07. Build interpretive and interpretive models to explain social phenomena and processes, rethink existing and create new knowledge and / or professional practices in the field
social work.
PH08. Ability to carry out pedagogical and / or scientific and pedagogical activities in institutions of professional higher and / or higher education.
РН09. Ability to solve complex problems using theoretical and methodological principles of organizational, managerial, expert, control-analytical, project, research activities in the social sphere at the interdisciplinary level and the principles of health
Academic mobility: Provided that the previous level was obtained in another country, nostrification is required, which is carried out by Lviv Polytechnic. There are no mechanisms for recognizing non-formal and informal education.
Work placement(s): The program provides 3 ECTS credits - pedagogical practice
Programme director: Doctor of Sciences in Education, Associate Professor Klos Lilia Yevhenivna
Occupational profiles of graduates: Research institutions and higher education institutions - as a scientist and teacher. Public authorities; social assistance services, social service institutions, state employment service; health care and social assistance: hospitals and clinics; social assistance institutions. Charitable activity: social projects and programs in the field of intangible production, in Charitable foundations, societies, public organizations. Activities of trade unions; sphere of justice and justice (penitentiary system).
Other program features: The educational component of the educational and scientific program covers a wide range of innovative areas of development of the theory and practice of social work, which contributes to the actualization of the theoretical and applied basis for the implementation of scientific research. The scientific component of the educational and scientific program is determined by the individual curriculum of the graduate student