Automation and computer-integrated technologies Automation and computer-integrated technologies
Qualification awarded: Master in automation and computer-integrated technologies
Entry year: 2024
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 1 year 9 months
Institute: Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems
Number of credits: 120 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 7 (Second cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 7)
Field(s) of study: Electronics automation and electronic communication
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: If the previous qualification level was obtained in another country the nostrification by Lviv Polytechnic National University is required. There are no mechanisms for recognizing the non-formal and informal education.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Full completion of the academic programme and Master’s thesis defense.
Characteristics of the educational program: The educational programme is aimed on the synthesis of automated control systems for technological processes of various fields of industry on the basis of analysis of the technological processes and productions as the controlled plants, application of the microprocessor instrumentation and computer integrated technologies. The students acquire all the necessary knowledge and abilities for designing the control systems and elements with application of computer-aided design systems (CAD), development of optimal configurations of communication networks and controllers networks, development of multi-level control and data acquisition systems (SCADA), dispatching systems for processes, accomplishment of research work, synthesis of special measurement and control systems for processes of a corresponding field of industry. The selective blocks of current relevance are implemented in the programme providing the possibility for the future professional and scientific career: automation and computer integrated technologies in chemical industry, in thermal power engineering, in nuclear power engineering, in food and recycling industry, automated control of energy consumption and metering of energy carriers. The Master’s degree programme includes the following cycles: general (3 ECTS credits), professional and practical training (117 ECTS credits). Total academic programme – 120 ECTS credits.
Програмні результати навчання: - knowledge of the principles of creating effective automation systems based on intelligent control methods, use of databases and knowledge bases, artificial intelligence methods, digital and network technologies, robotic and intelligent mechatronic devices; - specialized conceptual knowledge including modern scientific achievements, as well as critical analyzing modern problems in the field of automation and computer-integrated technologies to solve complex problems of professional activity; - knowledge of modern methods of automatic control theory, reliability theory and systems analysis for research and creation of effective automation systems for complex technological and organizational-technical objects, cyberphysical industries; - understanding of the norms of academic integrity, knowledge of the basic legal norms of the protection of intellectual property rights, commercialization of the results of research, invention and design activities; - ability to create highly reliable automation systems based on modern provisions of the theory of reliability, functional and information security of software and hardware; - ability to apply modern methods of modeling and optimization for investigating and creating of effective automation systems of complex technological, organizational and technical objects; - ability to develop control systems of complex technological, organizational and technical objects, applying a system approach and taking into account non-technical components of evaluation of automation objects; - ability to perform analysis of production and technical systems in various fields of activity as objects of automation and determine the strategy of their automation and digital transformation; - ability to develop functional, organizational, technical and informational structures of automation systems of the complex technological, organizational and technical objects, to develop software-technical control complexes based on network and information technologies, industrial controllers, mechatronic components, robotic devices, means of human-machine interface and taking into account technological conditions and requirements to production control; - ability to develop and to use modern software tools for the development of automation systems for complex organizational and technical objects; - ability to develop multilevel control systems for processes and productions with application of software and hardware of data acquisition, monitoring and dispatching of processes; - ability to design hardware and software for computer-integrated control systems of productions in compliance with international, state and industry standards, using modern technologies; - ability to collect the necessary information using scientific and technical literature, databases and other sources, to analyze and to evaluate it; - ability to plan and to perform scientific and applied research, to choose effective research methods and to argue conclusions; - ability to communicate freely in state and foreign languages orally and in writing to discuss professional problems and results in the field of automation and computer-integrated technologies, presentation of research results; - ability to use various methods, in particular modern information technologies, for effective communication at professional and social levels; - ability to adapt to new conditions and make decisions independently; - ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to enhance the acquired and gain new professional knowledge; - ability to perform job duties diligently and conscientiously and achieve goals in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics; - ability to demonstrate understanding of the principles of occupational safety and health, ecology and their application.
Academic mobility: Not required, but mobility is encouraged and accepted according to ECTS procedures.
Work placement(s): Pre-diploma internship according to the Master's thesis.
Programme director: Vasyl Fedynets, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Occupational profiles of graduates: The generalized field of activity for the Master is automated systems and computer-integrated technologies in various branches of industry, methods and objects of scientific investigation. Field of Master’s activity includes production and maintenance departments of industrial companies, design and research institutions as well as engineering companies. Researcher of automated systems and computer-integrated technologies Analysis of construction and technological peculiarities of the control plant, selection of the controlled parameters; accomplishment of experiments for identification of the technological plant; development and investigation of the mathematical model with specialized software (Matlab, Мathcad etc.); selection of an optimal structure of the control system with application of network technologies; development of control algorithms by means of the algorithms libraries of PLCs or specialized languages of programming; development of dispatching systems based on the SCADA and HMI tools; definition of optimal parameters of automatic controllers and verification of the quality of the automated control system; development of research procedures and accomplishment of investigation in order to improve and to create new instruments and control systems. Specialist in adjustment and testing of automated control systems Accomplishment of works on installation and adjustment of automation instruments and systems; adjustment of measurement instruments and systems, accomplishment of metrological verification; adjustment of actuators, testing of the alarming, blocking and remote control systems; installation and adjustment of PLCs software and the components of digital networks; diagnostics of the current state of the automation instruments, of the PLCs software; arrangement and accomplishment of maintenance and repairing of the automation instruments and systems. Specialist in software for automated control systems and computer integrated technologies Development of control algorithms on the basis of the selected structure of the automated control system and computer integrated technologies; development, installation and adjustment of the PLCs software; diagnostics of input channels condition for the controlled parameters and output channels condition for the controlling actions; development of software for supervisory control systems. Installation and adjustment of dispatching systems for the technological processes on the basis of SCADA and HMI tools; configuration and adjustment of network hardware and software. Specialist in design of automated control systems Accomplishment of preliminary design analysis of the technological process as a controlled plant; development of the structure and functioning diagrams of the control system; design and calculation of automation instruments using CAD software; selection of instruments for making the automation system; development of principal electric, pneumatic, hydraulic diagrams; design of electric cable and tube channeling diagrams; design of control boxes and panels; design of supervisory control systems; justification of the design with taking into account the impact of the technical solutions in the social, economic and ecologic context. Lecturer of the higher educational institution Application of knowledge and skills in the professional disciplines and information technologies for development of methodical and didactical materials for the educational process; knowledge of up-to-date technologies in the field of automation; development of research procedures and accomplishment of scientific investigation in order to improve and to create new automation instruments and control systems; application of knowledge and skills to organize the work with students and to develop the methodology of lessons.
Access to further studies: Obtaining third (educational and scientific / educational and creative) level