Home/ Majors directory/Automation and computer-integrated technologies/Occupational and Civil Safety
Occupational and Civil Safety
Major: Automation and computer-integrated technologies
Code of subject: 7.174.00.O.004
Credits: 3.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Ph.D., docent Yurii Kit
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PR02. Create highly reliable automation systems based on modern provisions of the theory of reliability, functional and information security of software and hardware.
PR05 Be able to develop complex control systems technological and organizational and technical facilities, applying a systematic approach to take into account the non-technical components of the evaluation of automation objects.
AnR4. Ability to demonstrate understanding of the principles of occupational safety and health, ecology and their application.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites:
Life safety
Master's thesis
Summary of the subject: Management of professional security in the field of automation. Occupational safety and risk management system. State Administration of occupational safety and health (OSH). State regulations on OSH. Liability for violation of the requirements of the OSH. Training on occupational safety and health. Requirements for personnel with OSH. Accident Investigation. Special investigation of accidents. Investigation of accidents and occupational diseases.
Organization of works at installation of means of automation on objects of the increased danger (work due to worksheet). Technical measures to perform work according to worksheet. Organization of work according to worksheet. Organization of work by order. Organization of current operation of production equipment.
Sanitary and hygienic measures at work. Ventilation system. Arrangement, calculation, requirements of operation. Sanitary and domestic provision of employees. Requirements for industrial lighting. Means of collective and individual protection.
General safety requirements for technological processes. Safety of technological equipment. Danger zones, means and measures of protection. Alarms and warning devices, equipment painting. Workplace safety requirements.
Safety of pressure vessels. General requirements for vessels. General safety requirements for boilers and pipelines. Safety requirements for the operation of tanks and cisterns. Safety of compressors and refrigeration equipment. Safety in the operation of gas facilities.
Fire safety during operation of automation means. Organizational measures for fire safety.
Fire prevention system in automation. Electrical equipment blast-, fire-hazardous premises. Fire automation systems. Automatic fire-fighting systems. Fire protection system of buildings and structures. Fire prevention during industrial automation. Fire safety training for employees. Ensuring measures and actions within a single system of civil protection. Ensuring engineering protection of territories from possible manifestations of dangerous and catastrophic phenomena. Rational placement of potentially dangerous facilities. Ways and means to increase the sustainability of facilities in the emergency. Development of the section of engineering and technical measures of the civil protection in the project documentation of economic objects.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (50%): Individual practical tasks (40 points) and settlement and graphic work (10)
Final control (50% differentiated test): testing theoretical material (50 points)
Recommended books: 1. Катренко Л.А., Кіт Ю.В., Пістун І.П. Охорона праці. Курс лекцій. Практикум: Навчальний посібник. – Суми: ВТД «Університетська книга», 2020. -540 с.
2. Охорона праці та цивільний захист: підручник./В.В. Зацарний, О.Г. Левченко, О.В. Землянська/ Київ. КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019. - 470с.
3. Охорона праці в електроенергетиці: навч. посіб./В.О. Бондаренко, О.І. Ганус, К.О. Старков, С.Ю. Шевченко.-Х.: Вид-во «Підручник НТУ «ХПІ», 2014.-240с.
4. Охорона праці та промислова безпека /К. Н. Ткачук, Л. Д. Третякова, Д. В. Зеркалов, і.ін./ Монографія Київ ТОВ Основа 2014.-823с.
5. Гогіташвілі Г. Г., Карчевські Є.-Т., Лапін В. М. Управління охороною праці та ризиком за міжнародними стандартами: Навчальний посібник. – К.: Знання, 2007. – 367с.
6. Основи цивільного захисту: Навч. посібник / В.О. Васійчук, В.Є Гончарук, С.І. Качан, С.М. Мохняк.–Львів: Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2010.-235с.