Computer Sciences (Design and Programming of Intelligent Systems and Devices) Computer Sciences (Design and Programming of Intelligent Systems and Devices)
Qualification awarded: Bachelor of computer science
Entry year: 2023
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 6 (First cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 6)
Field(s) of study: Information technology
Specific admission requirements: Not any
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: Provided that the previous level is obtained in another country, it is necessary to nostrification carried out by Lviv Polytechnic.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Full implementation of the curriculum, passing pre-diploma practice on the topic of bachelor's qualification work and protection of bachelor's qualification work.
Characteristics of the educational program: The educational and professional program is aimed at training specialists capable of applying mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles in modeling, programming, design, development and maintenance of intelligent systems and technologies; master modern methods of creating and maintaining software for various purposes in the field of computer science. Emphasis on readiness to solve complex problems and practical problems in the automation of deployment, implementation, operation and maintenance of intelligent systems and devices for analysis and data processing in various organizational, technical, natural and socio-economic systems.
Програмні результати навчання: Apply knowledge of the basic forms and laws of abstract logical thinking, the basics of methodology of scientific knowledge, forms and methods of extraction, analysis, processing and synthesis of information in the subject area of ??computer science.
Use modern mathematical apparatus of continuous and discrete analysis, linear algebra, analytical geometry, in professional activities to solve problems of theoretical and applied nature.
Use knowledge of the laws of random phenomena, their properties and operations on them, models of random processes and modern software environments to solve problems of statistical data processing and construction of predictive models.
Use the methods of computational intelligence, machine learning, neural network and fuzzy data processing, genetic and evolutionary programming to solve problems of recognition, prediction, classification, identification of control objects, etc.
Design, develop and analyze algorithms for solving computational and logical problems, evaluate the efficiency and complexity of algorithms based on the use of formal models of algorithms and computational functions.
Use methods of numerical differentiation and integration of functions, solution of ordinary differential and integral equations, features of numerical methods and possibilities of their adaptation to engineering problems, have skills of software implementation of numerical methods.
Understand the principles of modeling organizational and technical systems and operations; use methods of operations research, solving one- and multi-criteria optimization problems of linear, integer, nonlinear, stochastic programming.
Use the methodology of system analysis of objects, processes and systems for the tasks of analysis, forecasting, management and design of dynamic processes in macroeconomic, technical, technological and financial objects.
Develop software models of subject environments, choose a programming paradigm from the standpoint of convenience and quality of application for the implementation of methods and algorithms for solving problems in the field of computer science.
Use tools to develop client-server applications, design conceptual, logical and physical models of databases, develop and optimize queries to them, create distributed databases, repositories and storefronts, knowledge bases, including cloud services, using web languages -programming.
Have the skills to manage the life cycle of software, products and services of information technology in accordance with the requirements and restrictions of the customer, be able to develop project documentation (feasibility study, terms of reference, business plan, agreement, contract, contract).
Apply methods and algorithms of computational intelligence and data mining in the problems of classification, forecasting, cluster analysis, search for associative rules using software tools to support multidimensional data analysis based on technologies DataMining, TextMining, WebMining.
Know the languages ??of system programming and software development methods that interact with the components of computer systems, know network technologies, computer network architectures, have practical skills in computer network administration technology and their software.
Know the languages ??of system programming and software development methods that interact with the components of computer systems, know network technologies, computer network architectures, have practical skills in computer network administration technology and their software.
Apply knowledge of methodology and CASE-tools for designing complex systems, methods of structural analysis of systems, object-oriented design methodology in the development and study of functional models of organizational-economic and production-technical systems.
Understand the concept of information security, the principles of secure software design, ensure the security of computer networks in conditions of incomplete and uncertain source data.
Perform parallel and distributed calculations, apply numerical methods and algorithms for parallel structures, parallel programming languages ??in the development and operation of parallel and distributed software.
Use programming languages, descriptions of information resources, specifications, tools, libraries, frameworks and technologies when designing and creating intelligent systems and devices.
Have the methods and tools of modern information technology for the design of intelligent systems and devices and the ability to use them in practice. Design, develop, program and manage robots, embedded devices and computerized systems, test, debug, and deploy software for a variety of mobile platforms.
Academic mobility: Based on bilateral agreements between Lviv Polytechnic National University and higher educational institutions of foreign partner countries.
Work placement(s): Industrial practice, practice on the topic of bachelor's qualification work.
Programme director: DScTech., Prof. Sokolovskyi Yaroslav Ivanovych, tel. +38 032 258-26-74, E-mail -
Occupational profiles of graduates: Jobs in various fields of use of intelligent information systems and technologies, communication, administration, integration of information technology products: IT companies, financial companies, insurance companies, government agencies, consulting.
Access to further studies: Obtaining the second (master's) level
Other program features: The program is based on modern knowledge of computer science; modern ideas about trends, patterns of development of intelligent information systems and technologies. The educational program includes: teaching of certain disciplines by specialists of IT enterprises and institutions of the NAS of Ukraine, the possibility of internships in leading Ukrainian and international IT companies, the availability of a general university program of academic mobility.
There are 3 lines in total.
For the line of design of intelligent systems and devices:
Promising approaches to the application of methods and information technology tools for the design of intelligent systems and devices in various organizational, technical, natural and socio-economic systems .
For intelligent systems programming line and devices:
Promising approaches to the use of modern programming environments and languages, specifications, frameworks and technologies in the design and creation of intelligent systems and devices are being developed.
For the system design line:
Perspective directions of the system approach to the development of computer-aided design systems and their components designed for the design of objects of different physical nature are being developed.