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Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of subject: 8.071.00.O.002
Credits: 3.00
Department: Philosophy
Lecturer: DcS., Assoc. Prof. Ihor Karivets
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Tasks of the study of discipline:
- elaboration of theoretical and methodological particularities and philosophical approaches to understanding of contemporary science, its structure, types and perspectives of development;
- acquaintance with the main categories and concepts of contemporary philosophy of science, criteria, standards of scientific knowledge and particularities of scientific and cognitive activities.
As a result studying of the academic discipline study the post graduate student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
to know:
- the place of science in social life;
- the peculiarities and essential features of science and scientifical cognition , its structure, classification, scientifical methods;
- the differences between historical types of science, its connections with subjects of scientific cognition, culture and ethics;
- the most important criteria of scientific knowledge.
to be able:
- to compare and analyze different types of sciences and humanities, historical types of science.
- to apply philosophical and methodological apparatus of different scientific theories in own post-graduated researches;
- to evaluate the moral and ethical aspects of scientific activities.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Prerequіsites: Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy.
- Corequisites: Analytical and Calculus methods of Research, Actual Problems of Social Sciences and Humanities; Professional Pedagogy.
Summary of the subject: The philosophy and methodology of science: General definition and problem field. Science as a socio-historical phenomenon. The methodological component of science: the method – methodology – methodic. The methodological component of science: the basic methods of scientific cognition in different levels of science functioning. The problem of quality assessment of scientific knowledge: criteria, standards and ideals of science. Peculiarities of historical development of science. The most influential methodological science projects of the twentieth century. Features and paradigmatic characteristics of socially-humanitarian scientific knowledge. Social, organizational, moral and personal-existential aspects of science and scientific activities. Science in the context of the modern technological revolution.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (30%): oral questioning, presentations at seminars, tests, individual written work.
- The final test (70%): exam.
Recommended books: 1. Єріна А.М., Захожай В.Б., Єрін Д.Л. Методологія наукових досліджень. – К., 2004. – 202 с.
2. Жигилій Н.В та ін. Філософія науки і техніки. – Полтава, 2006. – 106 с.
3. Карамишева Н.В. Евристика: навчальний посібник. – Львів, 2013. – 272 с.
4. Крушельницька О.В. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень. – К., 2006. - 206 с.
5. Максюта М. Філософія науки: гуманітарно-педагогічний синтез. – Херсон, 2020. – 307 с.
6. Петрушенко В. Епістемологія як філософська теорія знання. – Львів, 2000. – 296 с.
7. Петрушенко В.Л. Філософія і методологія науки. – Львів, 2016. – 184 с.
8. Соціокультурні передумови трансформації методології науки. За ред. М. Савельєвої, Т. Суходуб. – К., 2020. – 378 с.