Pedagogical Workshops

Major: Environmental Studies
Code of subject: 8.101.00.O.21
Credits: 3.00
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: associate professor Zaharko Jaroslava
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • understanding the importance of compliance with ethics and copyright in scientific research, presentation of their results in scientific and pedagogical activities; • the ability to cultivate and act in new situations, creativity, being a responsible citizen, being aware of equal opportunities and gender issues, the ability to assess the social significance of the results of their activities; • the ability to organize pedagogical work on the basis of a personally-oriented approach, to form the content of education, relying on the variability, flexibility of forms and methods of education, diagnosis and develop the creative abilities of the individual; • the ability to creatively and reasonably prepare teaching materials, organize the organizational and pedagogical and logical structure of lectures, laboratory and practical tasks.
Required prior and related subjects: • Fundamentals of environmental biotechnology. • Scientific basics of simulations and prognostification of the environment. • Innovative Technologies Treatment and Utilization of Solid Industrial and Municipal Wastes.
Summary of the subject: Use of modern effective methods of teaching, teaching and education for socio-cultural development of students. Mastery of effective communication with students at professional and social levels. Modern information technologies of pedagogical theoretical and methodological provisions for organization of conducting of auditorium and extracurricular classes. Speech and rhetorical skills in presenting research results. Public speaking skills for public presentation and protection of scientific results, public speaking at national and international scientific forums, conferences and seminars. Pedagogical skill and professional skills of future scientists and teachers of higher education.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control, oral examination (30%) • Final control (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Дубасенюк О.А., Іванченко А.В. Практикум з педагогіки: навчальний посібник/ Житомир: Житомир, держ. пед. ун-т, 2002. 2. Дєніжна С.О., Сова М.О. Практикум з основ педагогічної майстерності: навчальний посібник Київ: Вид. центр НУБіПУ, 2010. 3. Сластенина В. А. Психолого-педагогический практикум: учебное пособие М. Академия, 2011.