Teaching Practice

Major: Mathematics
Code of subject: 8.111.00.O.008
Credits: 3.00
Department: Mathematics
Lecturer: Professor Nytrebych Zinovii Professor Ilkiv Volodymyr
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: At the level of knowledge, graduate students must demonstrate knowledge of facts, terminology, trends in the development of the mathematical branch of science, necessary for the mathematical justification of the obtained results. Graduate students must be able to present their results to an audience of students. At the level of application, future graduate students must be able to show the ability to use the educational material in specific conditions, relying on the learned theoretical provisions. The study of the pedagogical practicum involves the formation and development of students' competencies: • general: 1) in-depth knowledge of modern research methods in the field of mathematics and related fields; 2) the ability to effectively communicate with the wider scientific community and the public on topical issues of mathematics, to read and understand foreign scientific articles fluently; 3) critical analysis, assessment and synthesis of new ideas; • professional: 1) the ability to solve complex problems in the field of mathematics, to carry out research and innovation activities that involve a deep rethinking of existing and the creation of new integral knowledge, conducting scientific research at the international and national level. 2) the ability to self-develop and self-improve, to demonstrate oratorical skills when presenting the results of scientific research. The results of the pedagogical workshop detail the following learning outcomes: 1) the ability to communicate effectively at professional and social levels; 2) the ability to formulate one's own author's conclusions, proposals and recommendations; 3) the ability to take responsibility for the work performed and achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines: Methods of solving boundary value problems for differential equations with partial derivatives Theory of whole and meromorphic functions
Summary of the subject: The educational discipline "Pedagogical practicum" provides the following types of work: – studying the teaching experience of leading teachers of the department during attendance at classroom classes in mathematical disciplines; - familiarization with work curricula, educational programs, electronic educational and methodical complexes; – study of scientific and methodical literature in order to understand the real educational process; – development of methodological instructions for practical classes; – preparation of educational and methodical materials for independent work of students; - introduction of innovative forms and methods of education; - execution of an essay on the topic specified by the academic supervisor; - conducting educational practical classes in mathematical disciplines in the presence of a scientific supervisor, self-critical analysis; - participation in the evaluation of the quality of various types of students' works; - study and implementation of best practices in the organization of the educational process at the Lviv Polytechnic.
Assessment methods and criteria: According to the results of the pedagogical practicum, the graduate student submits to the department of higher mathematics: - abstract; – a report on the completion of practice, signed by the head of the department; – feedback from the academic supervisor on the completion of pedagogical practice; - extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department on approval of the report. Distribution of points on a 100-point scale; Individual research task (abstract) - 20 points Work in practical classes - 50 points Semester control (SC) - 30 points
Recommended books: Basic 1. Workshop on methods of teaching mathematics. General methodology: Study guide for organizing independent work of students of mathematical specialties of pedagogical universities / Z. I. Slepkan, A. V. Grokholska, V. Ya. Zabranskyi, S. M. Lukyanova, L. L. Panchenko, I. S. Sokolovska. Edited by Professor Z. I. Slepkan. - K.: NPU named after M.P. Dragomanov, 2006. - 292 p. 2. Slepkan Z. I. Methodology of teaching mathematics: Tutorial. for students mate. pedagogic specialties education institutions - K.: ZodiakECO, 2000. - 512 p. Auxiliary 1. Los V. M., Tykhienko V. P. Mathematics: teaching reasoning. Solving non-standard problems: Study guide. - K.: Condor, 2005. - 312 p. 2. Regional mathematical Olympiads / Konet I. M., Pankov V. G., Radchenko V. M., Teplinsky Yu. V. – Kamianets-Podilskyi: Alphabet. - 2000. - 304 p. 3. Yasinsky V. A. Olympic problems in number theory. Solving workshop / Vyacheslav Yasinskyi. - K.: Shk. world, 2011. - 128 p. – (School World Library).